To those less sentimental of us, Father’s Day might represent another chance for Hallmark and those of its ilk to cash in on a potential lucrative opportunity. However, even if we do adhere to this opinion, most of us love our fathers. Masculine energy is represented in Chinese philosophy by the yang symbol. It is…
The Buddha suggested that for those who wish to seek freedom from suffering; one must ultimately be prepared to face the reality of letting go. If one is to attain such clarity, direction, development and to ultimately liberate themselves from the anguish of that which cycles on and on within our hearts and minds. If…
Spring is here, flowers are coming out. With the idea of the energy that comes with this renewal, let’s look at relationships. Taking a look at this new energy, it’s a great time to see what we can work on to make our relationships better, all around. This would be for all relationships, including friendships,…
The Resurrecting of The Self
I have for some time now, around this time of the year; working with private clients on the sort of, birthing themselves. Helping them to grow into a new way of being. Right now during this pandemic, it is very important for us all to do that; because things are changing. We have become almost…
 At the core, we deal with extremes in our daily life; every single day. How do we find a way to cope? If you find yourself overwhelmed; I may have a technique that can help to relax you during chaotic episodes life throws your way.  I myself have dealt with anxiety most of my life;…
How to get over a breakup ?
Nobody is perfect. No relationship is perfect. A break – or a breakup – is often one of the most devastating life experiences : it becomes difficult to sleep, work, be focused, eat ‘normally’. This is even more true when some cheating is involved or when you never got proper closure. Breakups often lead to…
The Politics of Covid-19
2020 has been a year that will never be forgotten and with the uncertainties and isolation brought upon the world during this global pandemic, a lot of truths have come to light that have become more difficult to ignore. From the hypocrisy of government officials to the exposure of media propaganda and some of the…
5 Tarot cards that predict changes
Changes are inevitable and are bound to happen whether you want them to or not. The following cards may appear in your readings when a change is occurring or can be a warning that a change is on the horizon. I have also included some guidance on how you can handle those changes. The Death…
The Moon Attuning your life with the Energies of the Moon can significantly help your life to run more smoothly. Timing your actions, spells, rituals, your focuses and setting your intentions in alignment with the Moon phases is just like swimming with the current. Spells cast at the appropriate time will strengthen…
The Energy of Colour
A lot of people are not aware that Colour has a frequency of energy of it’s own. And when talking about Energy, it is extremely important to consider the impact that the energy of colour has on each of us on all levels, Physically, Emotionally and Spiritually. The Energy of Colour can uplift, calm, promote…
Why do different psychics give different outcomes?
The potential for divination and psychic tools is incredible. We all love the feeling of receiving a helpful reading and it coming true. However, I don’t believe the future is set in stone. Our future shifts and changes ahead of us in accordance with our actions and decisions made today. If a psychic reading has…
Acceptances, Let go’s, and forgiveness
Growing up I used to hear my mom say this Spanish phrase that had an accent from Spain, and I have to clarify this because even though our language is the same, the way we speak are different, I am from Puerto Rico ,sometimes words in Spanish could mean something completely different or opposite for…
All of us have always have come across various dreams while sleeping. It is a very common phase of our sleep. Dreams are an expression of thoughts, feelings, and events that pass through our minds. Sometimes it is an indication of unfulfilled desires and sometimes it gives us a sense of déjà vu. Some of…
How to better connect to our true self.
Today we will be talking about how to better connect to our true self. So many times we have issues or struggles in our life that come from indecisive actions. Were confused lost. We feel unloved, lonely, unsuccessful, But you may…
Manifesting at Will! How To Do It! And How To Do It Right!
Symphony of retrogation..
If you look in the sky, at the end of this June month it’s like planets are playing a Symphony of being in retrogation, mercury is retro in its own sign Gemini, Jupiter is retro in Capricorn, Venus is retro in his own Taurus sign, Saturn is also retro in his own sign Pluto is…
Uses for Rose Quartz
Uses for Rose Quartz the stuff you know, and the stuff you don’t! Hi everyone, I’m Katherine an advisor here on PsychicTxt! And today I’d like to talk to you about rose quartz. Most people think rose quartz is just used for romance issues, but did you know it can be used for all…
Taking care of your energy during times of stress.
The last few months have been difficult, to say the least, for almost everyone in the world. At times like this, we can forget to take care of a very important part of “us” and that is our energy side. This is the part of you that gets you through those tough spots and sometimes…