• Who Will Win the USA Election?

    The United States Presidental Election is upon the nation tomorrow, on Tuesday, November 3rd, 2020. And it is a big day, the emotions are high and astrologically speaking Mercury is turning direct in Libra on November 3 at 12:50 pm EST and 9:50 am PST – right as the election is in full swing and…


    The United States Presidental Election is upon the nation within a few weeks, on November 3rd, 2020. The citizens of America have 2 choices,  the major two-party candidates are Republican incumbent President Donald Trump and Democrat former Vice President Joe Biden. Three of our readers here at Psychictxt have taken a look at the candidates, and…

  • What The Cards Say: Will Trump Win the USA Election?

    Hi, It’s Jasmine! With the 2020 Presidential Election approaching fast emotions are high as Americans are set to take to the polls November 3. Today I am looking at the energies around President Trump (using the Russian Gypsy Fortune Telling System), what can help him and what can hinder him in the coming weeks and…

  • US ELECTION PREDICTION – Numerology based

    In every democratic country Elections and other political procedures are very important to understand a country’s governance and these procedures can either greatly advance or set back a country’s long-term democratic growth, as well as regional, and global foreign policy preferences.  According to Oxford Learner’s dictionary, Numerology means “the use of numbers to try to tell…

  • DIY Holiday Reading

    We all know that the holidays can be filled with stress. Whether it’s drama from friends or family, being busy trying to keep up with everything, or not having enough to go around. Here is your survival guide, or what you need to know for the holidays. Pick the picture you feel most drawn to,…

  • Mercury is Direct!

    It’s time to say goodbye to the not so friendly mishaps, indecisiveness and miscommunication as Mercury is finally going direct November 20th 2019. These past 3 weeks may have not be the most polite but this retrograde has given most of us the time to self-reflect and just in time for the new year! It’s…

  • Dear Scorpio,

    Happy birthday Scorpio!  oh my goodness y’all I’m so excited because it’s our season. I’m really going to go in depth about our sun sign for an hour you can learn a little bit more about yourself but also so you can figure out where on the scale of spiritual evolution you land on. Today…


    Aries ( 21 March – 19 April ) – There is a scene of new opportunities and growth and they may come through unexpected resources or connections.The next four weeks will bring a time for you to connect with friends and like minded fellows. Communication may increase with friends and group but this may also…

  • Full Moon in Gemini and Mercury Retrograde – Mind Space, Vision Space

    By: Astrologer Melissa at our sister app, My Astrology Advisor 3rd December 2017, 11:46 pm, Kuala Lumpur The element of Air sets the tone of this Full Moon in Gemini. Gemini is the first Air Sign in the Zodiacal wheel, our merry trickster and the messenger of the Gods. The air element in Astrology presides…

  • How to Breathe Your Way to Inner Calm

    By: Nina Hosmane “Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two deep breaths.” ~Etty Hillesum Today I’d like to discuss something that I’ve found to be very important: our breathing. “What do you mean our breathing? Don’t we do that all the time? Why do I need to read a blog post…

  • What’s Next? The Holidays, Mercury Retrograde, and 2017!

    As December approaches it’s midpoint, our sun moves into the house of Capricorn (December 22-Jan 19) and ever closer to the New Year. Many of us will find the change out of the turbulent 2016 as a welcome relief: we’ve been tested, shifted, and thrown every which way. 2016 was a year of 9 in…