• Who Will Win the USA Election?

    The United States Presidental Election is upon the nation tomorrow, on Tuesday, November 3rd, 2020. And it is a big day, the emotions are high and astrologically speaking Mercury is turning direct in Libra on November 3 at 12:50 pm EST and 9:50 am PST – right as the election is in full swing and…

  • The Presidential Election 2020 – Prediction From the Tarot

    Greetings to you, wherever you are in the world! With the presidential election looming on the 3rd of November, many American citizens—and their non-American neighbours—are eager to learn the outcome of this highly-anticipated event. It goes without saying, 2020 has been a challenging year. Who will the American people elect as their president?   As…

  • What The Cards Say: Will Trump Win the USA Election?

    Hi, It’s Jasmine! With the 2020 Presidential Election approaching fast emotions are high as Americans are set to take to the polls November 3. Today I am looking at the energies around President Trump (using the Russian Gypsy Fortune Telling System), what can help him and what can hinder him in the coming weeks and…

  • US ELECTION PREDICTION – Numerology based

    In every democratic country Elections and other political procedures are very important to understand a country’s governance and these procedures can either greatly advance or set back a country’s long-term democratic growth, as well as regional, and global foreign policy preferences.  According to Oxford Learner’s dictionary, Numerology means “the use of numbers to try to tell…

  • Saturns Retrograde in May 2020

    This may 11th is going to be Saturns retrograde. This is a big impact on financial energy and career changes. It may not be an easy year  right now but Saturn’s retrograde does hold strong energy to help you better focus on the more career-bound energies in your life. And. By Sep 29th Saturn will…

  • Corona Virus – When will it end?

        The most talked-about Corona Virus started in the city of Wuhan in China. All the experts in the world are trying to work on finding a cure for this deadly virus. Can astrology help in finding reasons and preventive measures to be taken by when it will be eradicated?   If we look…

  • New Moon March 24th 2020

    March 24th, just four days after the Vernal, or Spring equinox, there is a new moon in the sign of Aries. The energy around this new moon will be energetic, fiery, and full of new possibilities. This is the perfect time to focus on fresh starts, beginning new projects, and taking action steps towards personal goals….

  • Creating Your Own Luck

    There are times in your life where you feel like nothing is going right and nothing ever will again. You feel like you have the worst luck in the world, and you will never have good luck again. Those are not the times when you should give up. Those are the times when you should…

  • Effects Of Mercury Retrograde

    Have you been feeling a bit down maybe tired? Maybe just a bit confused emotionally but your not sure why. Well, this past Feb 17th mercury has been in retrograde and won’t transition back until March 10th. Now I know some of you may know retrograde affects business transactions and finances, but it can also…

  • How To Get The Best Psychic Reading This Valentine’s Day

    Let me help you receive the BEST relationship reading this Valentines season!   Did you know that how you prepare for a psychic reading or healing is almost as important as how your facilitator prepares for the session? Yes the alchemy of healing and channeled guidance is actually a TWO way process- not a one way…

  • ‘How to know if you’re with your Soul mate or Kindred Spirit ’ 

      “Kindred spirits” a person whose interests or attitudes are similar to one’s own.   “Soul mates” a person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner.   Even though these two energies sound similar in their definitions, kindred spirits and soulmates there are differences between the two of them. and also…

  • Creating a Sacred Space in your home

      Making your home feel like a sacred place for yourself doesn’t have to be difficult. In fact, it is quite simple! Your home is where you base yourself. It is where you sleep, eat, and come together with family and friends. Ensuring that your space is always positive and filled with good energies can…

  • My Vision For Year 2020

    Choosing a word to symbolize the new year can give you something to focus your energy on. A word that symbolizes what you want to accomplish in the months that follow. For 2020, I chose the word “Vision”. This feels like the perfect word to help focus my energy. I want to focus on my…


    Aries: I’m picking up that there will be a need for some preparation. The building blocks you’ve been building will come together and reveal a bigger picture to you. It will take a lot of work, resting and being lazy will not be an option for you. I see land; this tells me that there…

  • Seven Tips for Post Holiday Care for a Quick  Energy Boost

    It’s not quite yet Valentine’s Day and we’re in between holidays. So it’s a little bit of going to be a little bit of low energy right now, which is the perfect time to rest and take care of yourself.  During this time of transitioning into the New Year,  it is best to make sure…

  • Tips to manifest positive energy for the new year and decade 

    Today’s about what you’re bringing to the table; if your focus is towards love and improving or rekindling a relationship this new year, take a good look at yourself first! – this doesn’t mean “no one will love you if you don’t love yourself,”  this is saying it’s easier to attract what you are holding. There…


    ARIES ( March 21 to April 20) Since ARIES sun people are the fiery go-getters 2020 is going to be the year when they have to learn moderation and bring a transformation in them to be more practical and more connected to the Universal energies. Divine protection will be there for their rash actions however…

  • Lovescope 2020

    The year 2020 is bringing forth an abundance of blessings and gifts for you throughout this year in Love. This gift is being poured on you for the work and the sacrifices and struggles that you have made over the past few years in love and romance and now a time of healing and a…

  • Oracle Guidance for 2020

    The new year is upon us! 2020 will be an amazing year for everyone filled with so much growth and improvement. I look to my Gemstone Oracle cards to show me how the energy of the year will be regarding social situations.  In 2020, be careful of who you associate with. This is important because…

  • Resolutions and Changes for 2020

    So, here we are. Again. It is almost the New Year, and this time it’s a big year ahead, it’s 2020.  This is a leap year as well so we have one extra day to focus and work on making changes in our lives!  Do you want to know what changes to make, or what…