New Moon March 24th 2020

March 24th, just four days after the Vernal, or Spring equinox, there is a new moon in the sign of Aries. The energy around this new moon will be energetic, fiery, and full of new possibilities. This is the perfect time to focus on fresh starts, beginning new projects, and taking action steps towards personal goals.
This is good news as we move out of the slow stillness of winter, and into the brighter and warmer days of spring.
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and known as the pioneer. When the moon is in Aries, one area to focus on and pay attention to is the physical body. This is a great time to start a fitness routine that you will be able to stick with, and you will likely have more determination to keep going until you see results. Aries also rules independence. This new moon is a great time to focus on self-reliance along with taking control of our decisions and actions that will ultimately lead to a sense of being more of our authentic selves.
Another area of focus during this new moon is honesty. This is a great time to look at how honest we are with ourselves and those close to us. One caution, sometimes under the Aries new moon influence, we can be too honest! So temper your words with kindness as well.
This will be a very productive new moon. By starting something new now, we will see real results in our lives.


Melinda is Available at Psychictxt for Live chat and Text Readings.