• New Moon March 24th 2020

    March 24th, just four days after the Vernal, or Spring equinox, there is a new moon in the sign of Aries. The energy around this new moon will be energetic, fiery, and full of new possibilities. This is the perfect time to focus on fresh starts, beginning new projects, and taking action steps towards personal goals….

  • Oracle Guidance for 2020

    The new year is upon us! 2020 will be an amazing year for everyone filled with so much growth and improvement. I look to my Gemstone Oracle cards to show me how the energy of the year will be regarding social situations.  In 2020, be careful of who you associate with. This is important because…

  • 2020 DIY Reading

    The New Year is almost here, and even a new decade. What’s in store for you? Here’s a quick overview of the most important info for you heading into 2020. A lot of changes coming in, both with the year and starting of the new decade. Take a moment to clear your mind, and see which picture…

  • Season Change to Winter

    The longest night of the year occurs on December 21. This is the day which has the shortest duration of sunlight and the longest night of darkness. It is a transition, emerging from the darkness into the journey back to the warmth of the sun. Despite what some may think, the season of winter is…

  • The Nine Of Cups and finding Contentment Within Ourselves

    During this holiday season, we often look to our families and friends for joy. Sometimes, we have all those things and still feel unappreciated. Sometimes, during this season, we are alone or are at the very least feeling isolated. In pondering how to transform that frustration and sadness into something joyful, the card that really…


    Aries ( 21 March – 19 April ) – The month begins with you having to focus on work obligations and duties. You will show great creativity in your work projects which can help create great work of art. There would be great compassion and sympathy to other people which can help boost your clientele…

  • DIY Holiday Reading

    We all know that the holidays can be filled with stress. Whether it’s drama from friends or family, being busy trying to keep up with everything, or not having enough to go around. Here is your survival guide, or what you need to know for the holidays. Pick the picture you feel most drawn to,…

  • Mercury is Direct!

    It’s time to say goodbye to the not so friendly mishaps, indecisiveness and miscommunication as Mercury is finally going direct November 20th 2019. These past 3 weeks may have not be the most polite but this retrograde has given most of us the time to self-reflect and just in time for the new year! It’s…


    Aries ( 21 March – 19 April ) – There is a scene of new opportunities and growth and they may come through unexpected resources or connections.The next four weeks will bring a time for you to connect with friends and like minded fellows. Communication may increase with friends and group but this may also…

  • Facing Our Shadow This Fall Season By Psychic Hazel

    By Psychic Advisor Hazel The Autumn Equinox has begun its descent into old age, and death. Nights are becoming longer, and days are becoming shorter. The changing seasons are key points in the cycle of life and in nature. We can use this time of year and embrace the season with whom we want to…

  • The Autumn Equinox and New Moon in Libra

    By Psychic Jessica Luna Summer is officially over on Sept. 23, and less than a week later we’ll be graced with the dark night of the first new moon cycle since the autumnal equinox. This new moon is special because this is the time where friends come together and partnerships and the holidays are on…

  • How the New Moon in Aries (April 5, 2019) Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

    By Psychic Advisor Anamika- The New Moon will be in the lunar phase on April 5, Friday. When the moon starts a new cycle of 28 days it’s called a New Moon. The Moon’s disk is not illuminated on this night. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and Aries New Moon is always the…

  • Super Moon on 19th Feb and its effects on the Zodiac

    By Psychic Advisor & Astrologer Meha The full moon of February occurs on Tuesday, Feb. 19, at 10:53 a.m. EST (15:53 UTC), but will appear full the night before and after its peak to the casual stargazer. It will also be a so-called “supermoon,” according to NASA. The February full moon is often known as…

  • Lunar Eclipse on Jan 20th, 2019 and its effects

    The Lunar Eclipse on Jan 20th, Sunday will turn the moon a dark red color. Hence it is also Known as “The Blood Wolf Moon” in North America In Vedic astrology, eclipses are typically considered a bad omen. This is due to the lunar nodes (Rahu and Ketu) which obfuscate the light of the Sun…

  • Dec 22 Full Moon & Its Effect On The Zodiac

    By Manish Arora December 22, 2018, will bring the final full moon of the year, falling less than a day after the Winter solstice. The full moon on December 22 is at 11:49 a.m. CST (17:49 UTC). So the solstice and full moon fall less than one day apart. That means that – although the Northern Hemisphere…

  • 3 Signs You Have Met Someone From Your Past Life

    Happy New Moon Psychic Txt’ers! With Venus still in retrograde and a fiery new moon in Aries, you may just encounter one of your past life connections. Have you met someone from your past life before? Have you simply had that feeling of ‘knowing’ someone right away? While these are usually soul connections, it also…