A true year of change, abundance and growth are ahead. We have triumphed through 2020! We; on the verge of a brand new fulfilling year, have much to look forward to! As the universe shifts, government changes take place, and internal realization manifests- this is a year to be ready for!   The following insight…

  • 2018 Best Travel Destinations

    By: Psychic Samantha Happy New Year to you all! Here are my predictions Best places to travel in 2018. So my first prediction of best places this new year is during the springtime would be London, UK. This city is well known for Buckingham Palace, Tower of London, British Museum and so much more! This…

  • Good US Travel Destinations for 2017

    17 Predictions of 2017 – Day 5 – What Are The Best US Travel Destinations for 2017? By: Psychic Ann Hi there thank you so much for joining me here at Psychic Txt. I am Ann, everybody is truly looking forward to a great 2017! What better than starting off the new year with some…