• Career Chronicles: Psychic Stories of Professional Triumph and Transformation!

    In the vast landscape of professional journeys, tales of psychic guidance and mystical insights often stand as beacons of unexpected transformation and success. One such story is of Sarah, a disillusioned marketing executive. Stuck in a career rut, Sarah sought the help of a renowned psychic. During their session, the psychic revealed a vivid vision…

  • Unlock Your Career Destiny with PsychicTXT: Your Secret Weapon for Success!

    In today’s cutthroat job market, wouldn’t it be amazing to have a crystal ball guiding your career decisions? Enter PsychicTXT, the revolutionary app that’s transforming the way we navigate career crossroads. Forget the traditional job counselors—PsychicTXT connects you with experienced psychics at your fingertips, ready to unveil the mysteries of your professional future and propel…


    This month, I was drawn to love life, and what lessons are needed to help things succeed in love. We all have areas we can grow in, and one of the biggest concerns I see is love and romance. Let’s see what you need to know to make things better in that area of life….


    Asking what to do for mini-readings, I was shown new beginnings, and the importance of planning, and working on setting goals. Pick the picture that you’re drawn to, then go to the corresponding number, to see how to go about things this summer, with fresh beginnings. The first thing I am seeing here, is to…

  • Rising Up and Gaining Independence from Turmoil

    Dictionary.com states that independence means, that someone is not influenced or controlled by others with matters of opinion and conduct. It also states, thinking or acting for oneself. This includes matters of health or challenges one might have.      This my friends are all about letting go. You are freeing yourselves from the responsibility and…

  • Independence Day

    July 4 is Independence Day, the day that the USA celebrates its birthday. It is also around the time that the Sun meets with the highly mystical star, Sirius. When Sirius and the Sun meet around the 3th-7th of July every year, the energy of Sirius is believed to become highly potent and influence planet earth on…


    This month, I’m drawn to do career mini readings. To see how things are going to go with your career/employment the rest of this year. Look at the picture, and see which picture draws you in. Not necessarily one you like, but one you are drawn to. Then go to the corresponding number, for guidance…