Mercury is Direct!

It’s time to say goodbye to the not so friendly mishaps, indecisiveness and miscommunication as Mercury is finally going direct November 20th 2019. These past 3 weeks may have not be the most polite but this retrograde has given most of us the time to self-reflect and just in time for the new year! It’s full force ahead from here but we do have to give Mercury a little time to “wake up” as it redirects itself in orbit. It only take a a few days for the affects of Mercury being direct to set it in and the signs will get stronger everyday!
Mercury is direct now what? 
Now that Mercury is fully direct and moving forward so should you! Mercury retrograde taught is many lessons, everyone has been affected differently but everyone has also learned a huge factor they can act upon! It’s now time to sign those contracts, take that opportunity, and have that heartfelt conversation that has been much needed!
All the miscommunication and confusion will soon disappear and you will be able to move forward with a more clear mind and vision of what you want to achieve as this year comes to an end! Use this time wisely as everything it seems you want will quickly find its way to you and you will feel complete success in all areas of your life that have felt slightly off since the retrograde.  It’s not time to take action, Mercury has your back! ♥️
Wendy Ann is available at Psychictxt daily for Live Chat and Text Readings