Acceptances, Let go’s, and forgiveness
Growing up I used to hear my mom say this Spanish phrase that had an accent from Spain, and I have to clarify this because even though our language is the same, the way we speak are different, I am from Puerto Rico ,sometimes words in Spanish could mean something completely different or opposite for…
All of us have always have come across various dreams while sleeping. It is a very common phase of our sleep. Dreams are an expression of thoughts, feelings, and events that pass through our minds. Sometimes it is an indication of unfulfilled desires and sometimes it gives us a sense of déjà vu. Some of…
How to better connect to our true self.
Today we will be talking about how to better connect to our true self. So many times we have issues or struggles in our life that come from indecisive actions. Were confused lost. We feel unloved, lonely, unsuccessful, But you may…
We all are well versed with the term Soulmate, Twinflame, Lifemates, etc, and always wanted to be with someone who is our true soulmate. However the concept of soulmate is not new and in every culture, history, or mythology there is always a mention of the term soul connection or soulmate. He or She is…
Symphony of retrogation..
If you look in the sky, at the end of this June month it’s like planets are playing a Symphony of being in retrogation, mercury is retro in its own sign Gemini, Jupiter is retro in Capricorn, Venus is retro in his own Taurus sign, Saturn is also retro in his own sign Pluto is…
Celebrating the Summer Solstice June 2020
The Summer Solstice, also known as Midsummer’s Night, or Litha, is the longest day of the year and when the Sun reaches its peak in the Northern hemisphere. It marks the onset of Summer, and the days that follow become shorter as the Sun begins to wane. It is a celebration of light and…
Uses for Rose Quartz
Uses for Rose Quartz the stuff you know, and the stuff you don’t! Hi everyone, I’m Katherine an advisor here on PsychicTxt! And today I’d like to talk to you about rose quartz. Most people think rose quartz is just used for romance issues, but did you know it can be used for all…
Taking care of your energy during times of stress.
The last few months have been difficult, to say the least, for almost everyone in the world. At times like this, we can forget to take care of a very important part of “us” and that is our energy side. This is the part of you that gets you through those tough spots and sometimes…
Ways to beat loneliness
We may all be experiencing some feelings of loneliness in this unprecedented time, even if you have others that surround you. Loneliness is an unpleasant emotional response to perceived isolation. You may feel sad because you have no friends, company, or you are restricted from how you used to socialize or connect with others. The…
Saturns Retrograde in May 2020
This may 11th is going to be Saturns retrograde. This is a big impact on financial energy and career changes. It may not be an easy year right now but Saturn’s retrograde does hold strong energy to help you better focus on the more career-bound energies in your life. And. By Sep 29th Saturn will…
CoronaVirus – Global Pandemic
Hello friends, expressing my thoughts on this global pandemic. We all know prevention is better than cure and this virus has actually made us realize this. As there is no cure we are trying to prevent ourselves from it. Hygiene plays a vital role here. Basic hygiene practices that we stopped following are back…
Corona Virus – When will it end?
The most talked-about Corona Virus started in the city of Wuhan in China. All the experts in the world are trying to work on finding a cure for this deadly virus. Can astrology help in finding reasons and preventive measures to be taken by when it will be eradicated? If we look…
Coronavirus has spread its wings in the entire world and this phase has got intensified from February 2020. As confirmed by medical experts and WHO, the new Coronavirus is a respiratory virus which spreads primarily through droplets generated when an infected person coughs or sneezes, or through droplets of saliva or discharge from the…
How to Practice Mindfulness
What is mindfulness? First ask yourself, who is asking the questions; your mind or you. There is a fine line between who we think we are, and who we know to be. Being; is the ultimate path to your soul. Being; is controlling your mind, your own noise. The mind is a messenger. We signal…
Why should you talk to a Professional Psychic Reader
This is one of my frequently asked questions as a professional Psychic Reader; “Why should you talk to a Professional Psychic Reader- why not just talk to a friend?”. I am grateful to live in a time where seeking professional guidance and healing is becoming more socially acceptable; not just hiding our feelings and “getting…
Effects Of Mercury Retrograde
Have you been feeling a bit down maybe tired? Maybe just a bit confused emotionally but your not sure why. Well, this past Feb 17th mercury has been in retrograde and won’t transition back until March 10th. Now I know some of you may know retrograde affects business transactions and finances, but it can also…
Using Tarot to Manifest Your Best Self
For many years, I have turned to the Tarot for guidance and to seek wisdom in every area of my life. I believe that the Tarot can connect us with the Divine and our Higher Self. There is just something about pulling a card randomly and generating a message or lesson on which I…
Phases of moon affect on Our Relationships
Today we are going to talk about the phases of the moon and how this has an effect on our soulmates and partners. this past Feb 9th the full moon has transitioned into Leo. like this sighs animal symbol counterpart the loin is confident strong and free leos energy in this full moon will…
Signs of Being in a One-Sided Relationship
Hi, my name is Desiree and I want to talk today about one-sided relationships. I know sometimes it can be overwhelming being in a relationship and not feeling like you are appreciated or truly loved. The number one sign of being in a one-sided relationship is you feel like your the only one putting in…