• Picture Reading For The September

    Let’s look at shifting focus. As a successful businessman I know says, every successful person has one thing in common. Other than learning lessons, they never focus on the past. When we focus on the past or the wrong things, it’s tough to see the opportunities that are right in front of us. Let’s talk…

  • Attitudes That You Should Avoid When A Relationship Ends

    Ending a relationship is not usually easy, many memories remain, also, depending on how things happened, there may be mixed feelings that inevitably make you feel bad. But this is not the end of the world, to overcome a break it is necessary to avoid these typical attitudes that damage your peace of mind and…

  • Self Realization

    When one realizes there is no end no beginning, no time, and absolutely no grip; no sense, and everything is constantly wavering within the multiplicity of reality. When we assume we are divided that our being is not connected to the outer reality. We go about our daily life not realizing and ever touching this truth…


    This month, I was drawn to love life, and what lessons are needed to help things succeed in love. We all have areas we can grow in, and one of the biggest concerns I see is love and romance. Let’s see what you need to know to make things better in that area of life….


    Most are well rested, while some have nightmares. The Brain is a complex organism; a powerful system containing our very delicate being. When we sleep our body is not very rested at all; rather our consciousness and brain continue buzzing on; such as our heart, which continues to pulsate vitality through us.The dream world is often a…

  • 5 Signs That Indicate, When A Person Doesn’t Want To Be In A Relationship With You

    When you start dating a person it is not always easy to figure out what they really want, if they want something serious and seek to have a strong relationship or just want to have fun or be friends with benefits, it is something that anyone wants to know. These are the 5 most important…

  • Just a thought- Why is LOVE so complicated? (A personal share)

    I observed when people meet through a dating app, their intentions are clear…the expectations are managed. But, when you meet a person you have feelings for or a friendship turns into love, or you admire a person from afar…why is it so difficult to take the first step to ask for more? What’s the worst…


    Asking what to do for mini-readings, I was shown new beginnings, and the importance of planning, and working on setting goals. Pick the picture that you’re drawn to, then go to the corresponding number, to see how to go about things this summer, with fresh beginnings. The first thing I am seeing here, is to…

  • Rising Up and Gaining Independence from Turmoil

    Dictionary.com states that independence means, that someone is not influenced or controlled by others with matters of opinion and conduct. It also states, thinking or acting for oneself. This includes matters of health or challenges one might have.      This my friends are all about letting go. You are freeing yourselves from the responsibility and…

  • Independence Day

    July 4 is Independence Day, the day that the USA celebrates its birthday. It is also around the time that the Sun meets with the highly mystical star, Sirius. When Sirius and the Sun meet around the 3th-7th of July every year, the energy of Sirius is believed to become highly potent and influence planet earth on…

  • Love Reading for July 2021

    The Romance Angels want you to enjoy your romantic encounters. Love should be easy and fun, it is not about stress and worry.  Summer has arrived in the Northern Hemisphere, we are all out and about and the Romance Angels have a special message for us about how to make our July extra special. Passion…

  • Did you know you have a Tarot card according to your birthdate?

    Most people are unaware that we all have a Tarot card corresponding to our birthdate(and another one for each of our years), and that it tells us much about our paths in life. The Tarot is a deck of 78 cards with over six centuries of history. It shows us a path for our personal…


    This month, I’m drawn to do career mini readings. To see how things are going to go with your career/employment the rest of this year. Look at the picture, and see which picture draws you in. Not necessarily one you like, but one you are drawn to. Then go to the corresponding number, for guidance…

  • Tune in to the Earth’s heartbeat….

     Many people do not know about the Schumann Resonance is or the effects this frequency has on the world as a whole. I am going to break down exactly what the Schumann Resonance is, as well as the numerous, proven benefits of tuning in to it.    Mother Nature’s pulse, or heartbeat is the 7.83 Hz…


    To those less sentimental of us, Father’s Day might represent another chance for Hallmark and those of its ilk to cash in on a potential lucrative opportunity. However, even if we do adhere to this opinion, most of us love our fathers. Masculine energy is represented in Chinese philosophy by the yang symbol. It is…

  • LETTING GO by Shawn P

    The Buddha suggested that for those who wish to seek freedom from suffering; one must ultimately be prepared to face the reality of letting go. If one is to attain such clarity, direction, development and to ultimately liberate themselves from the anguish of that which cycles on and on within our hearts and minds. If…


    Aries ( 21 March – 19 April ) – You are more able to accomplish something solid this month.  You will gain a greater depth of understanding, having focused on information and communication that you really can use to feel more effective in the world. You may seem more focused, driven, ambitious, and disciplined. Your…


    Aries ( 21 March – 19 April ) – You will be energized this month. New projects, people, and insights will be buzzing in your life. You may have more work than you know what to do with and you will feel fulfilled by all the positive changes you have implemented. An unexpected emotional overflow…

  • The Law Of Attraction

    I know that many of you will be familiar with or have heard about the laws of attraction. What people don’t know is that manifesting what you want to draw to you in life, is extremely powerful. There are a few exercises that you can carry out daily which will yield very positive and powerful…

  • Free Will Vs. Fate

    I often receive questions that request specific timing of when an event will occur and while this is possible to pick up on and see how a chain of events are going to play out and when this is going to occur, but what happens when the timing isn’t following the same course as a…