• Tune in to the Earth’s heartbeat….

     Many people do not know about the Schumann Resonance is or the effects this frequency has on the world as a whole. I am going to break down exactly what the Schumann Resonance is, as well as the numerous, proven benefits of tuning in to it.    Mother Nature’s pulse, or heartbeat is the 7.83 Hz…


    To those less sentimental of us, Father’s Day might represent another chance for Hallmark and those of its ilk to cash in on a potential lucrative opportunity. However, even if we do adhere to this opinion, most of us love our fathers. Masculine energy is represented in Chinese philosophy by the yang symbol. It is…

  • LETTING GO by Shawn P

    The Buddha suggested that for those who wish to seek freedom from suffering; one must ultimately be prepared to face the reality of letting go. If one is to attain such clarity, direction, development and to ultimately liberate themselves from the anguish of that which cycles on and on within our hearts and minds. If…


    Aries ( 21 March – 19 April ) – You are more able to accomplish something solid this month.  You will gain a greater depth of understanding, having focused on information and communication that you really can use to feel more effective in the world. You may seem more focused, driven, ambitious, and disciplined. Your…

  • When The Soul Bleeds

    I have been unsure where to start for this particular article. To be brutally honest, I have been avoiding it at all costs. My brilliant mouth spoke, before my brain had a chance to catch up. “I will do it about grieving.” I don’t want to do it about grieving. I want to avoid it…

  • DIY Reading – What Can Be Worked On?

    Dan has provided us with a DIY reading! For this one, I asked what I should do for people. I was shown adjustments that can be made, to help things work better. So pick the picture that jumps out at you (not necessarily the one that you like most), then go to the corresponding number…

  • Soulmates – Why we should not be hung up on them.

    Many years ago, a psychic told me that the man I was madly in love with was my soul mate. So, I wasted two and a half tumultuous years with this man coming and going from my life as he pleased, until I realised this was not a man I could spend eternity with.  The…


    Aries ( 21 March – 19 April ) – You will be energized this month. New projects, people, and insights will be buzzing in your life. You may have more work than you know what to do with and you will feel fulfilled by all the positive changes you have implemented. An unexpected emotional overflow…

  • The Law Of Attraction

    I know that many of you will be familiar with or have heard about the laws of attraction. What people don’t know is that manifesting what you want to draw to you in life, is extremely powerful. There are a few exercises that you can carry out daily which will yield very positive and powerful…

  • Free Will Vs. Fate

    I often receive questions that request specific timing of when an event will occur and while this is possible to pick up on and see how a chain of events are going to play out and when this is going to occur, but what happens when the timing isn’t following the same course as a…

  • What it would be like if you could only see with your third eye?

    Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you could only see with your third eye? What would it be like to see the different swirling colors of someone’s aura, and not know The concept of color, because you have never seen it with your physical eyes? This is the problem that I,…

  • Jupiter transit in Aquarius: Effect on various Zodiac signs

    Jupiter is considered to be a planet of expansion and auspiciousness in Astrology. It will be entering Aquarius sign on 6th April 2021 and going to stay there for 5 months. A balanced sign which is both rebellious and stable too. This is a time period where a lot of wise and stable results will…

  • The Resurrecting of The Self

    I have for some time now, around this time of the year; working with private clients on the sort of, birthing themselves. Helping them to grow into a new way of being. Right now during this pandemic, it is very important for us all to do that; because things are changing. We have become almost…


     At the core, we deal with extremes in our daily life; every single day. How do we find a way to cope? If you find yourself overwhelmed; I may have a technique that can help to relax you during chaotic episodes life throws your way.  I myself have dealt with anxiety most of my life;…


    Hello My Lovlies,   So, being that we are in the lucky month and the 17th is coming is a couple of days I thought I would touch upon some tricks of the trade for manifesting.   Day in and day out, I hear the same thing from people. The focus is on what is…


    When a relationship begins no one ever assumes the relationship will end and sometimes it can be the most devastating and heartbreaking experience. This article can be very beneficial to help you recover from a broken heart. I have assembled a short meditation that will allow one to overcome their broken heart. Place yourself in…

  • Zodiac Horoscope March 2021

    Aries ( 21 March – 19 April ) – This can be a good month for both love and money. If you work hard and acquire new skills, you will make a solid financial gain. Filled with many new ideas, you will have an urge to read more and learn new things. Some of you…

  • How the Chinese New Year can set you up for success!

    If 2021 didn’t start off the way you wanted: no worries, there is always another date to start anew: the Chinese New Year! It takes place a few weeks later – February 11th, this year – and is an almost month-long celebration  – officially ending this week. You can still be on track with your goals,…

  • How to find and keep your Soulmate with Archangel Michael ?

    Everyone was born with a soulmate existing somewhere on this Earth. Finding your soulmate and keeping the flame alive in a happy long-term relationship is a path filled with ups and downs. Nothing – and most certainly not love – can be taken for granted. Love – marriage, and “Life” – more generally speaking, is…

  • New year and New Hope in Love

    As we step into New year 2021, the reading highlights that we are in the year of The Lovers. This is a significant year for all those people waiting for Love in life ‍️‍ In a more Traditional way The Lovers card in the upright position reflects movements towards end of troubles. It indicates taking decisions…