When a relationship begins no one ever assumes the relationship will end and sometimes it can be the most devastating and heartbreaking experience. This article can be very beneficial to help you recover from a broken heart.
I have assembled a short meditation that will allow one to overcome their broken heart.
Place yourself in the mind of now; in order to truly stop the past from bubbling up, refrain from reingagimg with enjoyable or even harmful memories from past relationships; if one is faced with memories of the past simply say within with each passing memory “ no longer here; no longer here. “ repeat this mantra over and over. When you begin to feel the sensation of returning negative or painful memories of your breakup or loss. Simply reengage with your mantra.  It’s crucial to let go; remove items, memorabilia and practice continuously letting of each  reoccurring memory or desire of the past. It is important to practice dissolving and removing each memory as it appears.
Through this meditative practice will help you to bring forth more self-love and self appreciation; this will help one to finally achieve rebuilding their focus and rebuilding their emotional ground. After a break up one can really become a devastated and broken soul; so it’s crucial and imperative to allow yourself time, patience and recovery. Remember that no heartbreak is ever and you will be able to heal to fully recover your sense of self.
Allow your heart time before moving on; allow space to heal and don’t hesitate to fill life within more enjoyable memories to keep the mind and heart sharp and pure. Once you practice replace the negative with enjoyment. Soon your heart will be fully remedied.
To seek clarification and direct personal guidance: consult with Shawn P daily on Psychic txt for help.