This month, I was drawn to love life, and what lessons are needed to help things succeed in love. We all have areas we can grow in, and one of the biggest concerns I see is love and romance. Let’s see what you need to know to make things better in that area of life….


    Most are well rested, while some have nightmares. The Brain is a complex organism; a powerful system containing our very delicate being. When we sleep our body is not very rested at all; rather our consciousness and brain continue buzzing on; such as our heart, which continues to pulsate vitality through us.The dream world is often a…

  • 5 Signs That Indicate, When A Person Doesn’t Want To Be In A Relationship With You

    When you start dating a person it is not always easy to figure out what they really want, if they want something serious and seek to have a strong relationship or just want to have fun or be friends with benefits, it is something that anyone wants to know. These are the 5 most important…

  • Just a thought- Why is LOVE so complicated? (A personal share)

    I observed when people meet through a dating app, their intentions are clear…the expectations are managed. But, when you meet a person you have feelings for or a friendship turns into love, or you admire a person from afar…why is it so difficult to take the first step to ask for more? What’s the worst…

  • Independence Day

    July 4 is Independence Day, the day that the USA celebrates its birthday. It is also around the time that the Sun meets with the highly mystical star, Sirius. When Sirius and the Sun meet around the 3th-7th of July every year, the energy of Sirius is believed to become highly potent and influence planet earth on…


    To those less sentimental of us, Father’s Day might represent another chance for Hallmark and those of its ilk to cash in on a potential lucrative opportunity. However, even if we do adhere to this opinion, most of us love our fathers. Masculine energy is represented in Chinese philosophy by the yang symbol. It is…

  • LETTING GO by Shawn P

    The Buddha suggested that for those who wish to seek freedom from suffering; one must ultimately be prepared to face the reality of letting go. If one is to attain such clarity, direction, development and to ultimately liberate themselves from the anguish of that which cycles on and on within our hearts and minds. If…

  • The Law Of Attraction

    I know that many of you will be familiar with or have heard about the laws of attraction. What people don’t know is that manifesting what you want to draw to you in life, is extremely powerful. There are a few exercises that you can carry out daily which will yield very positive and powerful…

  • Free Will Vs. Fate

    I often receive questions that request specific timing of when an event will occur and while this is possible to pick up on and see how a chain of events are going to play out and when this is going to occur, but what happens when the timing isn’t following the same course as a…


    Spring is here, flowers are coming out. With the idea of the energy that comes with this renewal, let’s look at relationships. Taking a look at this new energy, it’s a great time to see what we can work on to make our relationships better, all around. This would be for all relationships, including friendships,…

  • Jupiter transit in Aquarius: Effect on various Zodiac signs

    Jupiter is considered to be a planet of expansion and auspiciousness in Astrology. It will be entering Aquarius sign on 6th April 2021 and going to stay there for 5 months. A balanced sign which is both rebellious and stable too. This is a time period where a lot of wise and stable results will…

  • The Resurrecting of The Self

    I have for some time now, around this time of the year; working with private clients on the sort of, birthing themselves. Helping them to grow into a new way of being. Right now during this pandemic, it is very important for us all to do that; because things are changing. We have become almost…

  • Look At The Energy This Spring Is Bringing In For You

    Spring is a time of renewal. Out with the old, and in with the new. This is why there’s the tradition of spring cleaning. It’s the perfect time to focus on what it is that you’re wanting to do. Look around and you’ll see this in nature. The flowers coming up, the trees sprouting new…

  • How the Chinese New Year can set you up for success!

    If 2021 didn’t start off the way you wanted: no worries, there is always another date to start anew: the Chinese New Year! It takes place a few weeks later – February 11th, this year – and is an almost month-long celebration  – officially ending this week. You can still be on track with your goals,…

  • Valentine’s Day

    Valentine’s day is coming! We all get excited during this time of the year where we can express our gratitude and feelings to that special friend or boyfriend/girlfriend, it is the time for us to be grateful to have someone who loves us, and it is time to forget the labels or the fears on…


    A true year of change, abundance and growth are ahead. We have triumphed through 2020! We; on the verge of a brand new fulfilling year, have much to look forward to! As the universe shifts, government changes take place, and internal realization manifests- this is a year to be ready for!   The following insight…

  • The Great conjunction, Jupiter and Saturn : Effect on various Zodiac signs

    The last quarter of this unforgettable year 2020 has come up with a great celestial occurring Two biggest and the beautiful planets of our milky way has conjucted . It is more like big guns shaking in our solar system. As these are the two biggest planets in our solar system definitely the conjunction is…

  • 2021 Tarotscope Reading

    January – The High Priestess With us all living very different lives at the moment, many of us have been forced to listen to our inner voice, our own guidance and draw on our own wisdom and knowledge. January feels tonne a good year for utilising this skill to determine what direction you want to…

  • Fear and Letting Go

    Fear first… As we near the end of the year and grow into next year, I thought I would write a bit about fear and letting go; as well as a couple of other important points. I think to suffice to say, we are all done with 2020. LOL All of us are afraid of…

  • 2020 DIY Reading

    The New Year is almost here, and even a new decade. What’s in store for you? Here’s a quick overview of the most important info for you heading into 2020. A lot of changes coming in, both with the year and starting of the new decade. Take a moment to clear your mind, and see which picture…