2021 Tarotscope Reading

January – The High Priestess

With us all living very different lives at the moment, many of us have been forced to listen to our inner voice, our own guidance and draw on our own wisdom and knowledge. January feels tonne a good year for utilising this skill to determine what direction you want to go in for the remainder of the year.

February – The Tower

This is going to be a crisis month for a lot of people. A true fight or flight month where our fears and anxieties may indeed become a reality, of course it’s a scary prospect, but just remember that these “Tower” moments often come at a time where the universe needs to course correct us. This could be a month where relationships break up, jobs are lost and some people feel that all is gone. Remember this situation is only temporary and other solutions can always be found.

March – Two of Cups

A good month for love and relationships. Now is the best time to start dating and getting out there (restrictions allowing) to meet people and fall in love. Past partners may appear and old relationships feel to resurface. Those who are currently dating or on long term relationships should use this month to bring some spontaneity back into our love lives and make time for each other.

April – The Fool

April feels to be a good month for breaking out of routines and trying something new. Going somewhere you’ve not been before. Taking a leap of faith on an opportunity that has presented itself. Give yourself the push that you need to take that first step in making your dreams become a reality. Too often people wait for signs or for circumstances to be right, but sometimes we just need to take the plunge and believe that it is our destiny to realise our dreams.

May – Four of Cups

Mental health is going to be a theme this month. People struggling with depression, thinking back over old/missed opportunities, having regrets about the things we did/didn’t do. Feeling a complete lack of motivation. It’s okay, and sometimes does is all good to reflect. What’s important to remember though is that the person we are today isn’t the same person that was back then in those circumstances. Yes, we may now wish we had done things differently, but at the time we felt we were doing the right thing.

June – Three of Wands

Travel is going to open up this month for a lot of people (again, restrictions permitting). Now is the time to make your move and perhaps leave an old chapter well and truly behind so that we can embrace a new one. Holidays and travel abroad will be a welcome relief for a lot of people. Now is the time to start thinking about possible holiday/get away opportunities.

July – The Devil

It’s the month to indulge, in yourself. Spoil yourself and stop living within your self inflicted limitations.   Buy something expensive, eat more cheat meals, do what makes you feel good, and don’t feel bad about it or like you have to make up for it somehow. Too often we live our lives denying ourselves things, we have to let out those cravings somehow. Do it – you deserve it.

August – Five of Wands

There could be conflict between friends this month, nothing serious or too damaging, but tensions certainly feel to be stained within our friendship groups, and there’s perhaps a sense where you feel as though you’re competing with each other, rather than being supportive of one another. If things are getting intense, step back and cool off. Don’t let a minor argument ruin a trusted and treasured friendship.

September – King of Swords

Stand up for yourself, and don’t let others railroad you into something that you’re against or don’t feel comfortable doing. You have your own power an can stand strong in your own sense of authority. You have as much right to your beliefs as others do to theirs. Don’t lose sight of your goal and stay true to your path, as there will always be others who would have done it differently, but do what’s right for you.

October – Five of Pentacles

Be careful with your money, and some make any unnecessary purchases this months. Finances feel to take a hit for a lot of us this month, and it’s important we only spend what we need to, rather than what we want to. Again, jobs feel to take a hit this month and the job market itself feels to be very competitive.

November – The Heirophant

Time to get organised and ordered. Decluttered and tidy. A sense of order is important this month and a sense of getting back to your core values. Making time for family, friends, your faith or spiritual practice. Things that we all too often take for granted.  Only by maintaining these values and building on our morals can we hope to stay true to who we really are.

December – The Empress

The sense of organisation and order follows us into December – yes we’ve made it another year already! We are feeling powerful, resourceful and empowered right now and have a much clearer sense of who we are. That inner voice we had at the beginning of the year – did we listen to it? Look how trusting ourselves can truly pay off.

Connect with Lola today on Psychic Txt app.