• The Great conjunction, Jupiter and Saturn : Effect on various Zodiac signs

    The last quarter of this unforgettable year 2020 has come up with a great celestial occurring Two biggest and the beautiful planets of our milky way has conjucted . It is more like big guns shaking in our solar system. As these are the two biggest planets in our solar system definitely the conjunction is…

  • 2021 Tarotscope Reading

    January – The High Priestess With us all living very different lives at the moment, many of us have been forced to listen to our inner voice, our own guidance and draw on our own wisdom and knowledge. January feels tonne a good year for utilising this skill to determine what direction you want to…

  • New year and New Hope in Love

    As we step into New year 2021, the reading highlights that we are in the year of The Lovers. This is a significant year for all those people waiting for Love in life ‍️‍ In a more Traditional way The Lovers card in the upright position reflects movements towards end of troubles. It indicates taking decisions…

  • will 2021 be a lucky year?

    In Western numerology, 2021 carries the vibrational number “5”, which is the symbol of change.  This change is something I perceive as a continuation of the positive changes that society has been experiencing since the beginning of the COVID: less pollution since people use a bit less their cars and remain in their neighborhoods, more…

  • New Year Predictions 2021

    It’s been a year of uncertainty for pretty much everyone around the world. Have you been asking yourself Why?.. Why me? Does everything seem to feel like it’s fallen apart? are you frustrated that life feels stagnant, and unable to move forwards? The healing has begun. The December new moon brings a cleansing of energy….


    Hi everyone, hope everyone is doing well! With everything going on in the world. The holiday season is here! December 1st is good month to recharge you’re energy. And prepare for a new beginning the new Year I sense will be more positive and stable then 2020. It was not the best year but I…

  • Never Lose Hope For a Brighter Future

    2021 has been a collectively rough year for us all and it’s hard to feel hopeful for a brighter future with the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, constant threats of another lockdown, and new restrictions making life even more difficult and now the upcoming holiday season to top it all off. The stress of all of this…

  • Fear and Letting Go

    Fear first… As we near the end of the year and grow into next year, I thought I would write a bit about fear and letting go; as well as a couple of other important points. I think to suffice to say, we are all done with 2020. LOL All of us are afraid of…

  • Who Will Win the USA Election?

    The United States Presidental Election is upon the nation tomorrow, on Tuesday, November 3rd, 2020. And it is a big day, the emotions are high and astrologically speaking Mercury is turning direct in Libra on November 3 at 12:50 pm EST and 9:50 am PST – right as the election is in full swing and…


    The United States Presidental Election is upon the nation within a few weeks, on November 3rd, 2020. The citizens of America have 2 choices,  the major two-party candidates are Republican incumbent President Donald Trump and Democrat former Vice President Joe Biden. Three of our readers here at Psychictxt have taken a look at the candidates, and…

  • The Presidential Election 2020 – Prediction From the Tarot

    Greetings to you, wherever you are in the world! With the presidential election looming on the 3rd of November, many American citizens—and their non-American neighbours—are eager to learn the outcome of this highly-anticipated event. It goes without saying, 2020 has been a challenging year. Who will the American people elect as their president?   As…

  • US ELECTION PREDICTION – Numerology based

    In every democratic country Elections and other political procedures are very important to understand a country’s governance and these procedures can either greatly advance or set back a country’s long-term democratic growth, as well as regional, and global foreign policy preferences.  According to Oxford Learner’s dictionary, Numerology means “the use of numbers to try to tell…

  • 5 Tarot cards that predict changes

    Changes are inevitable and are bound to happen whether you want them to or not. The following cards may appear in your readings when a change is occurring or can be a warning that a change is on the horizon. I have also included some guidance on how you can handle those changes. The Death…


          The Moon Attuning your life with the Energies of the Moon can significantly help your life to run more smoothly. Timing your actions, spells, rituals, your focuses and setting your intentions in alignment with the Moon phases is just like swimming with the current. Spells cast at the appropriate time will strengthen…


      We all want to meet that special one whether you believe in soulmates or you do not. Everyone wants to meet the one person that fits us like a glove. You can call it soulmates, twin flames, true love and a dozen of other special words. We have so many words for it, but…

  • The spendthrift nature of different Zodiac Signs

        When it comes to spend the hard-earned money people are often careful and some of them even make budgets to channelize their income and money. But we are different human beings not all are lucky enough to have an inborn aptitude to spend their hard earned money. However when we talk about different…

  • The Energy of Colour

    A lot of people are not aware that Colour has a frequency of energy of it’s own. And when talking about Energy, it is extremely important to consider the impact that the energy of colour has on each of us on all levels, Physically, Emotionally and Spiritually. The Energy of Colour can uplift, calm, promote…

  • Why do different psychics give different outcomes?

    The potential for divination and psychic tools is incredible. We all love the feeling of receiving a helpful reading and it coming true. However, I don’t believe the future is set in stone. Our future shifts and changes ahead of us in accordance with our actions and decisions made today. If a psychic reading has…

  • Acceptances, Let go’s, and forgiveness

    Growing up I used to hear my mom say this Spanish phrase that had an accent from Spain, and I have to clarify this because even though our language is the same, the way we speak are different, I am from Puerto Rico ,sometimes words in Spanish could mean something completely different or opposite for…


    All of us have always have come across various dreams while sleeping. It is a very common phase of our sleep. Dreams are an expression of thoughts, feelings, and events that pass through our minds. Sometimes it is an indication of unfulfilled desires and sometimes it gives us a sense of déjà vu. Some of…