• Attitudes That You Should Avoid When A Relationship Ends

    Ending a relationship is not usually easy, many memories remain, also, depending on how things happened, there may be mixed feelings that inevitably make you feel bad. But this is not the end of the world, to overcome a break it is necessary to avoid these typical attitudes that damage your peace of mind and…

  • Self Realization

    When one realizes there is no end no beginning, no time, and absolutely no grip; no sense, and everything is constantly wavering within the multiplicity of reality. When we assume we are divided that our being is not connected to the outer reality. We go about our daily life not realizing and ever touching this truth…


    Most are well rested, while some have nightmares. The Brain is a complex organism; a powerful system containing our very delicate being. When we sleep our body is not very rested at all; rather our consciousness and brain continue buzzing on; such as our heart, which continues to pulsate vitality through us.The dream world is often a…

  • Just a thought- Why is LOVE so complicated? (A personal share)

    I observed when people meet through a dating app, their intentions are clear…the expectations are managed. But, when you meet a person you have feelings for or a friendship turns into love, or you admire a person from afar…why is it so difficult to take the first step to ask for more? What’s the worst…


    Asking what to do for mini-readings, I was shown new beginnings, and the importance of planning, and working on setting goals. Pick the picture that you’re drawn to, then go to the corresponding number, to see how to go about things this summer, with fresh beginnings. The first thing I am seeing here, is to…

  • Love Reading for July 2021

    The Romance Angels want you to enjoy your romantic encounters. Love should be easy and fun, it is not about stress and worry.  Summer has arrived in the Northern Hemisphere, we are all out and about and the Romance Angels have a special message for us about how to make our July extra special. Passion…


    To those less sentimental of us, Father’s Day might represent another chance for Hallmark and those of its ilk to cash in on a potential lucrative opportunity. However, even if we do adhere to this opinion, most of us love our fathers. Masculine energy is represented in Chinese philosophy by the yang symbol. It is…

  • DIY Reading – What Can Be Worked On?

    Dan has provided us with a DIY reading! For this one, I asked what I should do for people. I was shown adjustments that can be made, to help things work better. So pick the picture that jumps out at you (not necessarily the one that you like most), then go to the corresponding number…


    Aries ( 21 March – 19 April ) – You will be energized this month. New projects, people, and insights will be buzzing in your life. You may have more work than you know what to do with and you will feel fulfilled by all the positive changes you have implemented. An unexpected emotional overflow…

  • The Law Of Attraction

    I know that many of you will be familiar with or have heard about the laws of attraction. What people don’t know is that manifesting what you want to draw to you in life, is extremely powerful. There are a few exercises that you can carry out daily which will yield very positive and powerful…

  • What it would be like if you could only see with your third eye?

    Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you could only see with your third eye? What would it be like to see the different swirling colors of someone’s aura, and not know The concept of color, because you have never seen it with your physical eyes? This is the problem that I,…

  • The Resurrecting of The Self

    I have for some time now, around this time of the year; working with private clients on the sort of, birthing themselves. Helping them to grow into a new way of being. Right now during this pandemic, it is very important for us all to do that; because things are changing. We have become almost…

  • How to get over a breakup ?

    Nobody is perfect. No relationship is perfect. A break – or a breakup – is often one of the most devastating life experiences : it becomes difficult to sleep, work, be focused, eat ‘normally’. This is even more true when some cheating is involved or when you never got proper closure. Breakups often lead to…


    Hello My Lovlies,   So, being that we are in the lucky month and the 17th is coming is a couple of days I thought I would touch upon some tricks of the trade for manifesting.   Day in and day out, I hear the same thing from people. The focus is on what is…

  • Seven Tips for Post Holiday Care for a Quick  Energy Boost

    It’s not quite yet Valentine’s Day and we’re in between holidays. So it’s a little bit of going to be a little bit of low energy right now, which is the perfect time to rest and take care of yourself.  During this time of transitioning into the New Year,  it is best to make sure…

  • Tips to manifest positive energy for the new year and decade 

    Today’s about what you’re bringing to the table; if your focus is towards love and improving or rekindling a relationship this new year, take a good look at yourself first! – this doesn’t mean “no one will love you if you don’t love yourself,”  this is saying it’s easier to attract what you are holding. There…

  • 2020 DIY Reading

    The New Year is almost here, and even a new decade. What’s in store for you? Here’s a quick overview of the most important info for you heading into 2020. A lot of changes coming in, both with the year and starting of the new decade. Take a moment to clear your mind, and see which picture…

  • Season Change to Winter

    The longest night of the year occurs on December 21. This is the day which has the shortest duration of sunlight and the longest night of darkness. It is a transition, emerging from the darkness into the journey back to the warmth of the sun. Despite what some may think, the season of winter is…


    Aries ( 21 March – 19 April ) – The month begins with you having to focus on work obligations and duties. You will show great creativity in your work projects which can help create great work of art. There would be great compassion and sympathy to other people which can help boost your clientele…

  • 3 Interesting Things About The Spirit World

    From Sivana By Tina Heals  Do you think spirits exist? Let me tell you, they do. This hologram that we live in, is so glorious in its makeup that we truly discern nothing of it. Practically nothing anyway! We see less than 1% of the electromagnetic spectrum. Yes you heard that right. We also hear less than…