• Ways to beat loneliness

    We may all be experiencing some feelings of loneliness in this unprecedented time, even if you have others that surround you. Loneliness is an unpleasant emotional response to perceived isolation. You may feel sad because you have no friends, company, or you are restricted from how you used to socialize or connect with others. The…

  • Saturns Retrograde in May 2020

    This may 11th is going to be Saturns retrograde. This is a big impact on financial energy and career changes. It may not be an easy year  right now but Saturn’s retrograde does hold strong energy to help you better focus on the more career-bound energies in your life. And. By Sep 29th Saturn will…

  • CoronaVirus – Global Pandemic

      Hello friends, expressing my thoughts on this global pandemic. We all know prevention is better than cure and this virus has actually made us realize this. As there is no cure we are trying to prevent ourselves from it. Hygiene plays a vital role here. Basic hygiene practices that we stopped following are back…

  • Corona Virus – When will it end?

        The most talked-about Corona Virus started in the city of Wuhan in China. All the experts in the world are trying to work on finding a cure for this deadly virus. Can astrology help in finding reasons and preventive measures to be taken by when it will be eradicated?   If we look…


      Coronavirus has spread its wings in the entire world and this phase has got intensified from February 2020.  As confirmed by medical experts and WHO, the new Coronavirus is a respiratory virus which spreads primarily through droplets generated when an infected person coughs or sneezes, or through droplets of saliva or discharge from the…

  • How to Practice Mindfulness

    What is mindfulness? First ask yourself, who is asking the questions; your mind or you. There is a fine line between who we think we are, and who we know to be. Being; is the ultimate path to your soul. Being; is controlling your mind, your own noise. The mind is a messenger. We signal…

  • Why should you talk to a Professional Psychic Reader

    This is one of my frequently asked questions as a professional Psychic Reader; “Why should you talk to a Professional Psychic Reader- why not just talk to a friend?”.   I am grateful to live in a time where seeking professional guidance and healing is becoming more socially acceptable; not just hiding our feelings and “getting…

  • Effects Of Mercury Retrograde

    Have you been feeling a bit down maybe tired? Maybe just a bit confused emotionally but your not sure why. Well, this past Feb 17th mercury has been in retrograde and won’t transition back until March 10th. Now I know some of you may know retrograde affects business transactions and finances, but it can also…

  • Phases of moon affect on Our Relationships

      Today we are going to talk about the phases of the moon and how this has an effect on our soulmates and partners. this past Feb 9th the full moon has transitioned into Leo. like this sighs animal symbol counterpart the loin is confident strong and free leos energy in this full moon will…

  • Signs of Being in a One-Sided Relationship

    Hi, my name is Desiree and I want to talk today about one-sided relationships. I know sometimes it can be overwhelming being in a relationship and not feeling like you are appreciated or truly loved. The number one sign of being in a one-sided relationship is you feel like your the only one putting in…

  • Creating a Sacred Space in your home

      Making your home feel like a sacred place for yourself doesn’t have to be difficult. In fact, it is quite simple! Your home is where you base yourself. It is where you sleep, eat, and come together with family and friends. Ensuring that your space is always positive and filled with good energies can…

  • Resolutions and Changes for 2020

    So, here we are. Again. It is almost the New Year, and this time it’s a big year ahead, it’s 2020.  This is a leap year as well so we have one extra day to focus and work on making changes in our lives!  Do you want to know what changes to make, or what…

  • 2020 DIY Reading

    The New Year is almost here, and even a new decade. What’s in store for you? Here’s a quick overview of the most important info for you heading into 2020. A lot of changes coming in, both with the year and starting of the new decade. Take a moment to clear your mind, and see which picture…

  • Season Change to Winter

    The longest night of the year occurs on December 21. This is the day which has the shortest duration of sunlight and the longest night of darkness. It is a transition, emerging from the darkness into the journey back to the warmth of the sun. Despite what some may think, the season of winter is…

  • Mercury is Direct!

    It’s time to say goodbye to the not so friendly mishaps, indecisiveness and miscommunication as Mercury is finally going direct November 20th 2019. These past 3 weeks may have not be the most polite but this retrograde has given most of us the time to self-reflect and just in time for the new year! It’s…

  • The Autumn Equinox and New Moon in Libra

    By Psychic Jessica Luna Summer is officially over on Sept. 23, and less than a week later we’ll be graced with the dark night of the first new moon cycle since the autumnal equinox. This new moon is special because this is the time where friends come together and partnerships and the holidays are on…

  • Loving Someone You Cant Have- 7 Tips That Can Help

    Among the most agonizing feelings in the world is that of loving someone who doesn’t love you back. Unrequited love doesn’t just take an emotional toll, but also a physical one. If love isn’t being very kind to you and the object of your affection has friend-zoned you or worse still, refuses to acknowledge your…

  • Knowing When to Let Go of Relationships: 3 Signs It’s Time to Move On

    By Joshua Kauffman “Letting go doesn’t mean that you don’t care about someone anymore. It’s just realizing that the only person you really have control over is yourself.” ~Deborah Reber Thanks to the Internet, our lives are full of people. We’re connected literally all the time. And yet, despite our ceaseless connection, we feel disconnected. As…

  • Tired Of Feeling Lost? What To Do After A Breakup

    From Sivana By Martha Bodyfelt Divorce and breakups are tough for many reasons. Not only are we dealing with the emotions and logistics and finances, but after the dust has settled, we may feel like our life’s plans have changed direction. The life you planned and your vision of the future may disappear, leaving you with a…

  • How to Avoid Petty Fights and Get What You Need in Your Relationship

    By Mike Matthews “It’s never overreacting to ask for what you want and need.” ~Amy Poehler It was yet another stupid argument that escalated from nothing to a hundred miles an hour in seconds. I’d been there so many times before, entrenched in warfare with us both preparing our defenses and priming our attacks. The intense emotions…