Asking what to do for mini-readings, I was shown new beginnings, and the importance of planning, and working on setting goals. Pick the picture that you’re drawn to, then go to the corresponding number, to see how to go about things this summer, with fresh beginnings. The first thing I am seeing here, is to…
Rising Up and Gaining Independence from Turmoil
Dictionary.com states that independence means, that someone is not influenced or controlled by others with matters of opinion and conduct. It also states, thinking or acting for oneself. This includes matters of health or challenges one might have. This my friends are all about letting go. You are freeing yourselves from the responsibility and…
Independence Day
July 4 is Independence Day, the day that the USA celebrates its birthday. It is also around the time that the Sun meets with the highly mystical star, Sirius. When Sirius and the Sun meet around the 3th-7th of July every year, the energy of Sirius is believed to become highly potent and influence planet earth on…
The Politics of Covid-19
2020 has been a year that will never be forgotten and with the uncertainties and isolation brought upon the world during this global pandemic, a lot of truths have come to light that have become more difficult to ignore. From the hypocrisy of government officials to the exposure of media propaganda and some of the…
will 2021 be a lucky year?
In Western numerology, 2021 carries the vibrational number “5”, which is the symbol of change. This change is something I perceive as a continuation of the positive changes that society has been experiencing since the beginning of the COVID: less pollution since people use a bit less their cars and remain in their neighborhoods, more…
Hi everyone, hope everyone is doing well! With everything going on in the world. The holiday season is here! December 1st is good month to recharge you’re energy. And prepare for a new beginning the new Year I sense will be more positive and stable then 2020. It was not the best year but I…
Creating Your Own Luck
There are times in your life where you feel like nothing is going right and nothing ever will again. You feel like you have the worst luck in the world, and you will never have good luck again. Those are not the times when you should give up. Those are the times when you should…
Effects Of Mercury Retrograde
Have you been feeling a bit down maybe tired? Maybe just a bit confused emotionally but your not sure why. Well, this past Feb 17th mercury has been in retrograde and won’t transition back until March 10th. Now I know some of you may know retrograde affects business transactions and finances, but it can also…
Seven Tips for Post Holiday Care for a Quick Energy Boost
It’s not quite yet Valentine’s Day and we’re in between holidays. So it’s a little bit of going to be a little bit of low energy right now, which is the perfect time to rest and take care of yourself. During this time of transitioning into the New Year, it is best to make sure…
Tips to manifest positive energy for the new year and decade
Today’s about what you’re bringing to the table; if your focus is towards love and improving or rekindling a relationship this new year, take a good look at yourself first! – this doesn’t mean “no one will love you if you don’t love yourself,” this is saying it’s easier to attract what you are holding. There…
ARIES ( March 21 to April 20) Since ARIES sun people are the fiery go-getters 2020 is going to be the year when they have to learn moderation and bring a transformation in them to be more practical and more connected to the Universal energies. Divine protection will be there for their rash actions however…
Resolutions and Changes for 2020
So, here we are. Again. It is almost the New Year, and this time it’s a big year ahead, it’s 2020. This is a leap year as well so we have one extra day to focus and work on making changes in our lives! Do you want to know what changes to make, or what…
2020 DIY Reading
The New Year is almost here, and even a new decade. What’s in store for you? Here’s a quick overview of the most important info for you heading into 2020. A lot of changes coming in, both with the year and starting of the new decade. Take a moment to clear your mind, and see which picture…
Season Change to Winter
The longest night of the year occurs on December 21. This is the day which has the shortest duration of sunlight and the longest night of darkness. It is a transition, emerging from the darkness into the journey back to the warmth of the sun. Despite what some may think, the season of winter is…
The Nine Of Cups and finding Contentment Within Ourselves
During this holiday season, we often look to our families and friends for joy. Sometimes, we have all those things and still feel unappreciated. Sometimes, during this season, we are alone or are at the very least feeling isolated. In pondering how to transform that frustration and sadness into something joyful, the card that really…
Aries ( 21 March – 19 April ) – The month begins with you having to focus on work obligations and duties. You will show great creativity in your work projects which can help create great work of art. There would be great compassion and sympathy to other people which can help boost your clientele…
DIY Holiday Reading
We all know that the holidays can be filled with stress. Whether it’s drama from friends or family, being busy trying to keep up with everything, or not having enough to go around. Here is your survival guide, or what you need to know for the holidays. Pick the picture you feel most drawn to,…