This month, I was drawn to love life, and what lessons are needed to help things succeed in love. We all have areas we can grow in, and one of the biggest concerns I see is love and romance. Let’s see what you need to know to make things better in that area of life….
Who Will Win the USA Election?
The United States Presidental Election is upon the nation tomorrow, on Tuesday, November 3rd, 2020. And it is a big day, the emotions are high and astrologically speaking Mercury is turning direct in Libra on November 3 at 12:50 pm EST and 9:50 am PST – right as the election is in full swing and…
DIY Holiday Reading
We all know that the holidays can be filled with stress. Whether it’s drama from friends or family, being busy trying to keep up with everything, or not having enough to go around. Here is your survival guide, or what you need to know for the holidays. Pick the picture you feel most drawn to,…
Mercury is Direct!
It’s time to say goodbye to the not so friendly mishaps, indecisiveness and miscommunication as Mercury is finally going direct November 20th 2019. These past 3 weeks may have not be the most polite but this retrograde has given most of us the time to self-reflect and just in time for the new year! It’s…
Dear Scorpio,
Happy birthday Scorpio! oh my goodness y’all I’m so excited because it’s our season. I’m really going to go in depth about our sun sign for an hour you can learn a little bit more about yourself but also so you can figure out where on the scale of spiritual evolution you land on. Today…
Aries ( 21 March – 19 April ) – There is a scene of new opportunities and growth and they may come through unexpected resources or connections.The next four weeks will bring a time for you to connect with friends and like minded fellows. Communication may increase with friends and group but this may also…
Ghosting & What To Do When It Happens To You
By Psychic Advisor Hazel: Gather round the fire with your favorite cider and prepare for spooky text silences…This is the time of year where things go bump in the night, and it’s possible that your newly discovered partner makes an attempt to be in your life but then, inexplicably, disappears. One day you feel like…
Facing Our Shadow This Fall Season By Psychic Hazel
By Psychic Advisor Hazel The Autumn Equinox has begun its descent into old age, and death. Nights are becoming longer, and days are becoming shorter. The changing seasons are key points in the cycle of life and in nature. We can use this time of year and embrace the season with whom we want to…
The Autumn Equinox and New Moon in Libra
By Psychic Jessica Luna Summer is officially over on Sept. 23, and less than a week later we’ll be graced with the dark night of the first new moon cycle since the autumnal equinox. This new moon is special because this is the time where friends come together and partnerships and the holidays are on…
Three Ways To Start Feeling More Gratitude
Next week in the states we will start off our holiday season by celebrating Thanksgiving. It’s a time where families can come together, celebrate the bond they share and enjoy good times and good conversations with each other. It’s also a holiday where we focus heavily on being thankful and showing gratitude for all we…
Embracing Change
There’s just something about Fall. Naturally, I love the beautiful colors and the vivid imagery, but to me, it also seems like a time to embrace change. Even after the season is halfway over, it’s still a time to shed away our outdated layers and prepare ourselves for journeys down brand new roads. ——————– It’s…