Asking what to do for mini-readings, I was shown new beginnings, and the importance of planning, and working on setting goals. Pick the picture that you’re drawn to, then go to the corresponding number, to see how to go about things this summer, with fresh beginnings. The first thing I am seeing here, is to…

  • LETTING GO by Shawn P

    The Buddha suggested that for those who wish to seek freedom from suffering; one must ultimately be prepared to face the reality of letting go. If one is to attain such clarity, direction, development and to ultimately liberate themselves from the anguish of that which cycles on and on within our hearts and minds. If…


    Spring is here, flowers are coming out. With the idea of the energy that comes with this renewal, let’s look at relationships. Taking a look at this new energy, it’s a great time to see what we can work on to make our relationships better, all around. This would be for all relationships, including friendships,…

  • Season Change to Winter

    The longest night of the year occurs on December 21. This is the day which has the shortest duration of sunlight and the longest night of darkness. It is a transition, emerging from the darkness into the journey back to the warmth of the sun. Despite what some may think, the season of winter is…

  • The Lost Art of Silence: Get Quiet and You’ll Know What You Need to Do

    By Kiara Elliott “Silence isn’t empty. It’s full of answers.” ~Unknown Last week I was visiting the Scandinave, a Scandinavian-style bath spa, with my mom, when it struck me how rare true silence has become. By true silence, I mean silence in the form of not speaking, but also silence in the form of reflection, pause,…

  • 5 Reasons to Forgive Yourself and How to Do Better Going Forward

    By Alicia Rodriguez “At the end of life, the wish to be forgiven is ultimately the chief desire of almost every human being. In refusing to wait; in extending forgiveness to others now; we begin the long journey of becoming the person who will be large enough, able enough and generous enough to receive, at the…

  • Make Your Friday the 13th a Lucky One!

    By: Psychic Fern Do you believe in the mystery around Friday the 13th? Many find their superstitions verified on this day, while many others go on not noticing much difference. But how did it all start? Historians are unsure of the exact origin, but evidence goes back all the way to the Middle Ages of…