Free Weekend Tarot Reading – 11/29-11/30, 2015

aceofwandsWith the holiday shopping season officially underway, stress levels tend to run at all time highs. Busy shopping centers, financial worries, and making sure you get all of those last minute items can really take a toll on your energy! It’s important to remember this is actually a season of celebration. It’s an opportunity for people to connect, share stories with each other, and finally let go of all the day to day stresses we face in our working lives.

While the Ace of Wands usually indicates something new – such as a sudden spark of inspiration or an unexpected turn down a brand new path, we are given a slightly different meaning today. We are asked to simply think differently in order to alleviate any unnecessary holiday stress.

Take note of our seasonal motherly figure depicted in the Ace above. She lights her own way, maintains holiday spirit, and takes care of the things in her life that genuinely matter. She’s peaceful, serene, elated with the progression of her life and perfectly happy in each unique moment. Outside influences and unnecessary stresses will not take her away from what matters most. This is exactly why she’s able to multitask in such a joyous way.

What matters most in your life? Is it fighting your way through a crowd in order to get that perfect gift for the person you love? Or, is it about sharing experiences by the fire and finding a new sense of true happiness and bliss within yourself. Take a new approach this season and give yourself the gift of inner peace rather than stressing over the small stuff. Focus on what matters in your heart. Not only will you surprise yourself at what you are able to get accomplished, you will have a lot more fun doing it.



If you are experiencing holiday stress and need help coping with all the pressure or if you just want to find out how to best approach this season, reach out directly to any one of our authentic spiritual advisors today. We are here to help and we have the answers you need.

Your first question is FREE!








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