• How To Wake Up Feeling Confident, Relaxed, And Productive

    By: George Mortimer “Morning is wonderful. Its only drawback is that it comes at such an inconvenient time of day.” ~Glen Cook Beep! Beep! Beep! Time’s up. You’ve got twenty minutes to shower, get dressed, eat, and get to work. Screw it—skip the shower today. And you can wait till lunch to eat. Go! Go! Go!…

  • 40 Ways to Create Peace of Mind

    By Lori Deschene “Set peace of mind as your highest goal, and organize your life around it.” ~Brian Tracy There was a time when I thought peace was a destination, in much the same way I imagined I’d eventually arrive at happiness or success. It seemed like something I needed to chase or find—definitely not something…

  • When You Don’t Get What You Want Something Better May Be Coming

    By: Becky Swenson “Remember that sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck.” ~Dalai Lama While every adoption story is different, they all start with a loss. Our loss turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to us. I’ve had two migraines in my life. Both were when I…

  • Finding a Good Match: Know What You Want and Need in a Relationship

    By: Ariel Hairston “You’ll never find the right person if you never let go of the wrong one.” ~Unknown I recently left a relationship that I was not happy in. Although my ex was definitely an unconditional lover, it painfully bothered me that the man I loved was not taking care of his responsibilities. Since I’ve entered my…

  • A Simple but Powerful Way to Kick the Worry Habit

    By: Abby Seixas “Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow.” ~Swedish proverb I’m a worrier by nature, and I come by it honestly. My mother was afraid to cross bridges and ride in elevators, boats, and airplanes. Her mother died of cancer at the age of forty, and my mother spent many years—including those…

  • Guardian Angels – How To Connect To Your Own Angels

    By: Intuitive Advisor Jessica I have had a lot of clients asking me how to get answers from their own guardian angels. I am about to tell you in steps on how you could hear them if your able to have a quiet mind and also be around nature instead of being inside listening to…

  • When You’re Afraid to Speak Up and Be Yourself in Relationships

    By: Laura Probert “Your fear is boring.” ~Elizabeth Gilbert It has taken me eighteen years of marriage, two kids, and twenty-plus years of healing to realize I have been afraid of being myself with my husband. It has taken me decades to step into my power and become the fiercely alive, joyful, and creative expression I…

  • What Unconditional Self-Love Looks Like

    By: Rita Loyd “Love is the great miracle cure. Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives.” ~Louise L. Hay When I first began painting twenty years ago, I had no idea what self-love was. A few years prior, I thought I knew, but when I lost my health to chronic illness and could no longer do…

  • The Story So Far: Your Life Is How You Interpret It

    By: Gray Miller “Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” ~Carl Bard My life has been a long string of failures. The earliest I can remember is having my teeth knocked out when my grandpa braked too hard at a…

  • Why I Keep My Heart Open Even Though I’ve Been Deceived

    By: Myrite Rotstein “You may be deceived if you trust too much, but you’ll live in torment if you don’t trust enough.” ~Frank Crane I’m heading home with a latte in hand, listening to This American Life through my headphones when a woman sitting on a bench outside the café waves me down. She looks like…

  • I Do Believe My Future is Bigger Than My Past

    By: Advisor Stephanie I do believe my future is bigger than my past. As soon as I heard these words spoken by Steve Gleason in his documentary titled, Gleason, it struck a chord within me. There are so many times in life when we are so hyper-focused upon the mistakes we have made. We focus…

  • Go With the Flow

    By: Psychic Stephanie  In any given situation between people, we are both the teacher and the student. You’re in each other’s lives for a purpose and a time. The poem, A Reason, Season or a Lifetime captures this beautifully. We are put on this planet, in this lifetime to learn lessons and grow. Once you…

  • How I Prioritize and Take Care of Myself Without Feeling Selfish

    By: Sara Fabian “I am worthy of the best things in life, and I now lovingly allow myself to accept it.” ~Louise Hay Looking back on my life, I see that for a long time I struggled to take care of my own wants and needsand didn’t make them a priority. I used to find that very…

  • 3 Empowering Ways to Reframe Anxiety: Work With It, Not Against It

    By: Melissa Renzi “If I take death into my life, acknowledge it, and face it squarely, I will free myself from the anxiety of death and the pettiness of life—and only then will I be free to become myself.” ~Martin Heidegger If you are a lifelong anxiety warrior like me, you’ve been on a journey of…

  • Understanding Differences in Insight

    By: Psychic Rhonda But The Other Psychic Said…  Greetings! I wanted to touch base about the subject of consulting multiple readers and share my own personal experience and possibly why you may have received different responses or worse, were left feeling even more confused. First, I would like to say that there is nothing wrong…

  • Recognizing and Overcoming the Fears That Make Us Settle

    By: Britt Bolnick “Fear, uncertainty, and discomfort are your compasses towards growth.” ~Celestine Chua Settling feels awful. Take it from me—for the past few months I’ve been holding the Scepter of Settling in both my personal life and my business. And it hasn’t felt good. The other morning, as I sat waiting in LaGuardia Airport to board a…

  • The Delusion of Separation: We Don’t Need to Feel So Lonely

    By: Jon Waterlow “The fundamental delusion of humanity is to suppose that I am here and you are out there.” ~Yasutani Roshi You know those moments? Those brief, fleeting moments that shine through the grey of everyday life like motes of glitter caught in a sunbeam. The moments when you suddenly feel a connection to the…

  • 3 Signs It’s Time to Break Up

    By: Pia Scade “Celebrate endings, for they precede new beginnings.” ~Jonathan Lockwood Huie There was an incessant doubt deep inside that wouldn’t subside. It followed me everywhere—through the good times and the rough times. By “good,” I mean things were okay. They were never great, ecstatic, wildly passionate, and deeply connected. I tried to escape it,…

  • You Have to Know What Kind of Love You Deserve to Attract It

    By Melissa Terrels “Your task is not to seek love, but merely to seek and find all barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” ~Rumi My ex used to stomp out of the house every time we had an argument. Literally, he would leave. And usually before he left he’d smash something. One time…

  • Signs Of a Toxic Relationship

    By: Advisor Desiree It’s likely that we’ve all found ourselves in a toxic relationship at one point without even knowing it, whether it be in love, family or friendships. The first sign of being in such a negative relationship is losing your sense of self. If a relationship changes you it should be for the…