Three Reasons Why Emotional Independence Will Change Your Life

befreeAs spiritual beings, every one of us has the right to our own emotional freedom. We have a right to feel what we feel and express ourselves in an authentic way; however, too often this freedom becomes locked down and caged. This is especially true in relationship scenarios, but is never healthy. Have you ever been in a relationship where you stepped away from your own authentic self to please the other person? Have you ever let go of your own creative ways in order to try and catch someone’s attention even more? Have you ever been afraid to show how you really feel because you assumed you would be rejected? Locking down our own emotional independence happens a lot more often than one would expect and while it may sometimes be effective in the short term, the long term effects are never positive for you or your relationships.  In the end, when it affects you negatively, it will become that much harder to find your true self again in the future. Below, please find three reasons why staying true to yourself and expressing yourself authentically can help to build a better you and better relationships in your life.

Authenticity Attracts Authenticity

If you find yourself waking up each morning and putting on a new mask it may mean that you are afraid to show the world who you really are. Wearing a different hat and pretending to be someone you are not may grab someone’s attention initially, but as things begin to grow and deepen, you will soon find the façade you have been putting on will doom your connection. However, when you are true to yourself in every imaginable way, you will attract new individuals into your life who like you for you. Be who you are and allow your own unique individuality to impact everyone you come in contact with. It’s not always easy to let the old insecurities go, but when you do, you will open yourself up to a whole new world filled with new connections who are already attracted to the energy you push. You never know, one of these just might be the soul connection you have been waiting for!

Emotional Release Reduces Stress

Holding in hurt or any emotion really will create a lot of pressure inside of you. It closes off your energy centers and will make your regular day to day activities seems like a nightmare! You will also find that your mind will go into overdrive making it difficult to concentrate on what you enjoy. This causes you to lose sight of what is actually important to you. You may even accidentally sacrifice some personal connections in your life that you held dear to your heart. Most us have been told not to emotionally react to every situation and while that makes sense, it doesn’t mean you should hold in how you are feeling. Finding a positive and creative outlet to release your emotions will help to keep you in balance, keep your head on straight, and will serve to strengthen the important relationships in your life.

Emotional Freedom Fosters Your Dreams

When you are free emotionally, you do have the ability to openly express yourself in whatever manner you see fit. Not only will you draw in new connections to your life and free yourself of any emotional burdens, you will also set the stage to relentlessly pursue your own personal dreams. When you are happy with yourself and your life, you will no longer fear going for what you always wanted. The judgments of others will no longer impact you negatively and you will be amazed at the inner courage you develop. We are each meant for greatness in this life, but it’s up to you to let go of those negative feelings, find the fire inside of you, and then simply go for it. Don’t forget you can achieve anything you desire so long as you keep your eyes on the goal.


If you are struggling with a connection in your life or find yourself harboring old negative emotions, reach out to any one of our talented spiritual advisors. They have the ability to look into your energy and determine what areas need help, so you can always be the best you possible.


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