New Year Predictions 2021

It’s been a year of uncertainty for pretty much everyone around the world. Have you been asking yourself Why?.. Why me? Does everything seem to feel like it’s fallen apart? are you frustrated that life feels stagnant, and unable to move forwards?

The healing has begun. The December new moon brings a cleansing of energy. It’s time to feel control is being been regained, and balance and harmony restored. If you are feeling anxious or unable to settle as the new moon comes in, know that this feeling will pass.

Moving into 2021 a shift of energy is coming. The death card is drawn actually signifies the end of one chapter and the birth of a brand new one. This is not a time to look backward on what we have lost, but a time to focus forwards and realize what can become.

We have all realized how important the people we hold dear are to us this year, and we have also realized who is truly there for us, and who matters. 2021 is a time to let negative people go however hard it seems, and only focus on those who enrich and bring positivity into your life

The sun card is a symbol that after every storm, there will always be a light shining through the clouds. Now is the time to ask the universe for what you want, to manifest your dreams and wishes, and to start putting long-awaited dreams into action.

Where things have held you back, or you have not believed now is the right time, ask yourself whenever will be the right time? 2021 is a year for doing, for taking yourself out of your comfort zone and to have self-belief. We will always progress in life if we jump in and trust our intuitions. We will only ever be held back by wondering what if.

Life is for living, and now is the time to realize that anything really is possible, as long as you believe. We will always encounter struggles in life, but it’s how we overcome these struggles that make us stronger in the end.

Blessings always, Bea x

Connect with Bea today on Psychic Txt app.


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