What’s Next? The Holidays, Mercury Retrograde, and 2017!
As December approaches it’s midpoint, our sun moves into the house of Capricorn (December 22-Jan 19) and ever closer to the New Year. Many of us will find the change out of the turbulent 2016 as a welcome relief: we’ve been tested, shifted, and thrown every which way. 2016 was a year of 9 in…
Weekly Love Horoscope 10/17 – 10/23
Aries Chances are everything has been lain on the floor after the weekend’s Full Moon in your relationship sector and while strong emotional responses are only just starting to ease back as you move into the new week, already this has been a game changer. Chances are you’ve learned more over the weekend about what…
Weekly Love Horoscope 10/10 – 10/16
Aries The massive team of support that will take you and your relationships into the future has now assembled, with the last and some might say the most important member having only just joined the team late last week. It was Mercury, planet of communication’s return to your relationship sector that completes the most stunning…