Build A Better Relationship This Valentine’s Day

shutterstock_45250393-380x253Valentine’s Day has always been a day associated with love, romance, and an opportunity to show that special someone just how much you do truly love and care about them, but it should also be about taking your relationship to a different level by working to fully solidify the foundation the two of you have built. This doesn’t mean the entire day should be revolved around serious conversation or discussions regarding where the two of you are heading, but it does mean you need to make sure you are in the right mindset to grow your relationship in a healthy way.



Below, please find two steps you can start taking right now to further build that foundation and feel better in the process.

Self Love16-love-yourself

For anyone who has been through the ringer more times than they can count, maintaining self love isn’t always the easiest thing to do. When situations go awry and you have experienced one roller coaster relationship after another, it is easy to start looking at yourself as the problem. It’s easy to look in the mirror and point a finger directly at you rather than looking at things in an unbiased manner. Remember, each new relationship situation you encounter is a an opportunity to wipe the slate clean. It’s an chance to start afresh and journey down a brand new road. If you don’t love yourself and feel confident in your own ability to drive things forward, then there is a good chance your connection will not work out. You may end up spending most of your time overthinking rather than enjoying things for what they are. Look at yourself each day when you wake up, tell yourself how wonderful you truly are, and start a process that will genuinely redefine the way you see yourself. Loving yourself will certainly ensure the love you project toward another is genuine, harmonious, and pure.

Get In The Now

behereEven though the importance of this has been brought up before, a huge factor in building a solid relationship and propelling things to the next level has to do with your ability to stay in the present moment. Too often, after experiencing some of the difficult situations as noted above, it becomes quite easy to focus in on the past or obsessively wonder about what is coming rather than simply allowing a situation to play out naturally. When you are in the moment and present, you will gain the ability to focus only on the current encounter. Doing so opens doors and truly shows the person you are with that you are there, ready to hear what he or she has to say, and are completely immersed in the moment with them. Allowing worry to creep in during these encounters will absolutely change your outward behavior and will also pollute the energy you project. Rather than sending your true feelings, you will push worry and anxiety and leave the other individual feeling conflicted. Trust things are good and enjoy every single encounter for exactly what they are. You will be surprised at how quickly everything begins to improve.



If you would like to find out how to build a better relationship with your loved ones and yourself or would like to know how to properly wash past hurts away for good, reach out directly to any one of our trusted spiritual advisors. They will happily lead you toward a better tomorrow, today.


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