The Great conjunction, Jupiter and Saturn : Effect on various Zodiac signs

The last quarter of this unforgettable year 2020 has come up with a great celestial occurring
Two biggest and the beautiful planets of our milky way has conjucted . It is more like big guns
shaking in our solar system. As these are the two biggest planets in our solar system definitely
the conjunction is also bringing in lot of opposite energies to balance in this lifetime.
Jupiter which is a planet of expansion,wealth,money,marriage and all sort of education is
transiting the sign of Capricorn ruled by Saturn and in conjunction with its own lord Saturn. This
is a phase of balanced decisions restrictive undertaking and maintaining wise approach towards
life through strict actions as Saturn represents everything related to discipline hard work , law
and order and in fact Karmic debts and its effect in the lifetime also . Now when intelligence is
coupled with discipline a strict and strong teacher is born . This is a phase of some hard
decisions to be taken through wit and intelligence .
Let’s see what is in store for you with this great transit and conjunction.

Aries : This is a favourable time for you as career will be enhanced and some good changes at
work place will be there . This is a favourable time for any professional change also . You will be
getting good support from colleagues and relation with higher authorities will give you much
stability . However this can be a bit tiring time for parents health or elderly people . So special
care in this need to be taken .

Taurus : Lady luck is favouring you a lot and this is the time of some bold decisions to take place
which will help you both financially and in personal life also . You will be much popular among
your peer group and people around as you will show the vast nature of your knowledge and wit
. You can also be inclined towards religious activities or tours related to religion or will try to
learn about any new religion . However you need to take special care while driving any vehicle
as this time period can make you prone to unexpected mishaps .

Gemini : You may be taking some wrong decisions related to finances which can give you a
financial crunch during this period but somehow you will be able to manage things . Be extra
cautious while dealing with family your rude behavior or words can disturb the family harmony.
Despite your behavior your family will try to support you through everything . You may also be
inclined towards spirituality .

Cancer : This is a good time to acquire wealth from overseas trip , business dealings and in
terms of partnership related work this will be the best time for you . Any expansion of work
related to foreign can take place . Spouse will be very supportive and will help you out in almost
everything you do. However you will be extremely hardworking in this time period which will
bear you good result in career and work related things .

Leo : This is a very good time period those going ahead with any kind of competitive exams .
However any legal matter going through will have a positive outcome . Some unexpected
expenses may take place and it can imbalance income and expense ratio . Short journeys will
take place but it will not help in any positive outcome . Take special care of health of your
family members .

Virgo: Your love life may get a bit disturbed and in fact issues with spouse or partner can be
intensified . For students this is a good and fruitful time period . Those who are planning for any
kind of higher education this is the best time to start things . Some gains in income can be seen
and this will affect your social status and position also . However some family dispute will make
you occupied for a considerable time period .

Libra :This is the best time period for any kind of gains through immovable property . You may
go ahead with long term investments . Also you may go ahead with any purchase related to
movable and immovable property . Career wise you may feel certain setbacks but lot of people
at work place will be supportive and through them you will be able to deal with any unexpected
situation . Take care of your own health also .

Scorpio : Your siblings will support you immensely during this period . With your outstanding
communication you will be gaining lot of fame and support from people . Overall a good time
period for any business related traveling . Financially you will be at a good place and
investments will bear good result in future . This is the good time to do charity related work .

Sagittarius : This will be the best time of family union , meetings and celebrations with
extended family . In other words you will be all focused on family related issues . Monetary
gains will be there . Your communication will be better and you will gain some important
projects due to your excellent oratory skills .However this may not be a very good time period
for your health .

Capricorn : You will feel much confident and worthy about yourself . This is a time period of
transition to a more confident self . Partnership related business will bear fruitful result . Your
partner both business and life will be extremely supportive of you . However those in jobs can
take some decisions which can hamper their growth . It will be lot advised to take care while
disclosing any important matter to even close colleagues it may turn out to be against you .

Aquarius : Foreign investments , foreign dealings will give immense good result in long way .
Those who are planning to have a business expansion to other countries this is the best time to
go ahead with . Some unexpected litigations may come up which can cause some financial loss
also . However expenses over religious activities may also take place . You will be free from any
debt if you are facing one during this time period .

Pisces: This is the time of monetary gains and you will have some financial flow through various
channels. Your superior and bosses will be very supportive to you which will enhance your
position at workplace. Expect to have gains through friends also. Promotion and income rise
can be expected during this period . However, your love life can be a bit disturbing so take care
of that.


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