Ways to beat loneliness

We may all be experiencing some feelings of loneliness in this unprecedented time, even if you have others that surround you. Loneliness is an unpleasant emotional response to perceived isolation. You may feel sad because you have no friends, company, or you are restricted from how you used to socialize or connect with others. The causes of loneliness vary, they may include social, mental, emotional, and environmental factors. They can be negative feelings of self-doubt and self-worth. If you are feeling less than enough right now, you are not alone, and I have some tips on how to beat loneliness.

Know that loneliness is a normal human emotion. It can be painful and can confuse you into thinking that you are an outcast. So, how can you stop the loneliness? Here are 9 tips for beating loneliness and dealing with it in healthy ways:

  • Realize that this feeling is an emotional response, accept it without over reacting, and then make an effort to reach out to others…even if your loneliness is telling you not to


  • Talk to someone about your feelings. It is important to know that feeling lonely is not your fault, there are people out there ready to talk to you about how you are feeling, and offer guidance or a nonjudgmental ear. Your best friend, lover, mother, father, or even your favorite psychic are some great examples!


  • Take up a new activity. Join a social group or take an online course. Increasing your involvement in social groups really does work as a way for many people to connect. There are literally hundreds of ways to connect socially. The key is to connect with like-minded people, and to remember that quantity does not equal quality


  • Volunteer remotely. Helping others in your community who also experience loneliness is simple, easy, and enjoyable. You have something wonderful to offer the world that only you can give. Challenge yourself by giving to others, take the focus off yourself, and do good at the same time. This will help you feel more connected and less lonely.


  • Reach out to those around you via phone or video chat, even if they are not lonely. Think about whom you could spend 10 minutes talking to. Even a short conversation can go a long way


  • Stop comparing yourself to others. This is the quickest way to rob you of your own happiness, and self-confidence. This might mean to go offline for awhile if you seem to find yourself comparing who you are to who others seem to be


  • Try writing a list of all of your best qualities and read it back to yourself daily


  • Surround yourself with people who like you for you, and who are genuine towards you. People that build you up, and help you reclaim your sense of purpose


  • Learn to cherish the moments you get to be alone. There is a huge difference in being alone, and feeling lonely, and some time alone is healthy. We are not meant to live our lives alone, but that does not mean that it is not vital. Spending time alone gives us a chance to focus on self-love, reflection, rest, and restoring our mind, body, and soul


There will be periods in life when situations, seasons, or people make us feel lonely. When we focus on something we can control, it gives us a sense of accomplishment, worth, and happiness. You can think about yourself, your loneliness and the hopelessness those thoughts bring, or you can be grateful for the diversity of people you choose to share your life with. Do not be too cautious about whether you are giving more than you get at first. If you make friends and some of them are takers, you can choose to focus your time more on those who reward you for your efforts and show appreciation of your friendship. It is important to take action, and do something different that changes your experience of the world around you.

I am Hazel, sending blessings to you all, and hoping that you never feel lonely!




Hazel is Available at Psychictxt for Live chat and Text Readings.


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