The Autumn Equinox and New Moon in Libra

By Psychic Jessica Luna

Summer is officially over on Sept. 23, and less than a week later we’ll be graced with the dark night of the first new moon cycle since the autumnal equinox. This new moon is special because this is the time where friends come together and partnerships and the holidays are on everyone’s brain. This is the new moon where you want to invoke the use of love and diplomacy in any situation that is not serving you at this time. Venus rules this sign and is in her most logical form. This is also the time to use the arts to stimulate your mind and your thinking.  Libra energy is creative and mentally focused. Because Libras mind is never shut off or disconnected, they use art and museum activity to get them moving. This is also the time to give yourself a challenge or to ask the spirit to help you face the challenges ahead with clear logical precision. So that the scales may come out to be balanced in your favor.

The Equinox 

The first day of autumn is always a magical day for me because it’s significant to mysticism in general. Equinoxes bring powerful insights. And this equinox is all about where we are in our lives. Since it’s Autumn and it’s September and it’s Libra season, at this point I must start asking myself clearly which direction do I want to go in my life?  How do I want to end this calendar year? Where do I want to be next year?

Scorpio’s birthday is right around the corner. With the Libra season and the equinox, it’s a very special time and it’s filled with magic. The smell of coffee and pumpkin spice, and blueberry muffins is in the air. It is just a dreamy, cozy time when the leaves begin to turn red. The skies begin to turn to beautiful blues, red and oranges as the sun sets and rises in the mornings. This is when I tend to do most of my thinking- around the equinox its always in the mornings and in the evenings.

In that twilight of thinking, I am thinking about how I want to close my year out and with whom. This is also the time where I write an outline and begin an action plan. Then I check to see when the next retrograde is. Because in Astrology, you never want to enact a new plan during a retrograde. So, I make my new plan and use the retrograde to close out and revisit old patterns that need to be broken after the equinox. I also celebrate that changes are coming to my life because I have enacted them and invited them into my life on this day.

So, I hope this inspires everyone to look at their own journey,  plan out how and with whom they want to end this year. It’s a great time to take stock and also to take action. Good luck


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