Good US Travel Destinations for 2017

ann_new_200x20017 Predictions of 2017 – Day 5 – What Are The Best US Travel Destinations for 2017?

By: Psychic Ann

Hi there thank you so much for joining me here at Psychic Txt. I am Ann, everybody is truly looking forward to a great 2017! What better than starting off the new year with some great travels. I want to be tapping  into some amazing places that can truly give us great vibrations with sight sound and feel these are some areas of where we can find peace and tranquility in  2017   as well as bringing that spiritual balance at home  to help create a stable happy mind body and soul!


The Olympic National Forest is an amazing treasure – near the northern part is a beautiful place to camp and hike.  Camping next to Lake Ozette is peaceful, with wildlife coming and going.  The trailhead can take you to the ocean in 2 different directions – south is the Sandy Trail and north is the Cape Alava trail, which ends at Cape Alava, the western most point of the US.  Both connect to the ocean about 3 miles away and there is a trail along the ocean that connects them.  Both trails go through dense old growth rain forest, but the Cape Alava trail, the older of the two, has some of the most table, grounded protective trees in the rain forest.  About a mile into this trail is ‘my tree’.  A huge tree I only need to see and touch to feel emotions pouring out and a ground to the earth.  There is a bend just off the trail that looks on this tree.  I can only imagine its purpose – ground for those willing to get there.  The trail opens up onto the Pacific Ocean and the power and calming of the water helps me know I’m in the right place.  The entire trail goes through old growth forest, crosses an open plain, and ends at the ocean….all fabulous!


Mother Nature created a beautiful place between Washington and Oregon called the Columbia Gorge.  Carved from glaciers out of rocks that create high cliffs on both sides of the river that flows down the middle.  Small creeks, waterfalls and streams feed the mighty Columbia and provide many roadside places to pull over and just take in the breathtaking beauty and grandeur.  Watching the sunset through this gorge can be powerful as we try and figure out where we fit in the grand scheme of the Universe.  The gorge often evokes historical thoughts about how the river provided for the first people on her banks.  They only had to ask and provide a little effort for food, shelter, water, and transportation….simple things that sustained life on the shores.  So much history we do not know but can appreciate as we make our own way.  So grateful to be able to appreciate this beautiful place.


The Pacific Ocean – powerful, loving, giving, calm, soothing and beautiful. Walking along PCH in Southern California and watching the abundance of life going on near the ocean puts things into perspective.  It’s always there, ebbing and flowing, as families enjoy playing in the sand and water, friends enjoy each other company, surfers riding the waves provided for their entertainment.  The ocean presents an emotion of calm.  So vast.  So powerful.  So beautiful with the diamond sparkles on the surface as the sun shines on it.  Being able to walk the shoreline or sit and watch and enjoy the beauty helps us breathe deep and fill ourselves with nature and gratitude that we live in such an amazing place.  We are blessed to live in a land full of beauty and options – from the ocean, rivers, forest to the deserts…all adding to the wonder of life.

I’m not sure I can choose one over the other – having all of these and more in my life makes my life richer and me more grateful!


If you have questions regarding your travels for 2017, reach out directly to Ann via the Psychic Txt app. She can tune right into your energy and let you know the best travel destination for you whenever you need a personal and spiritual refresh!




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