4 Easy Steps to Manifest A New Job

By: Psychic Rhonda

Sooo..your current job has run its course. Some of you may feel over-worked and underpayed, some of you may just be seeking a career change or perhaps the work enviroment is just too negative. Regardless of what your reasons are, I think everyone can agree when you are fed up, work becomes dreadful and physically being there can be miserable! I can remember a few years ago pulling into my work parking lot debating on whether to go in or just say screw it! This is when you know its time to find better. I wanted to touch base with you and share some tips on how to manifest a new job or even manifest going into business for yourself(If this is what you choose). First, let’s look at some of the typical reasons why you may feel stuck in your current career:

  • You don’t feel that you deserve more money or a higher position.
  • Too much competition when applying.
  • You don’t believe in yourself.
  • You are afraid of failure.


When it comes down to it, we hold ourselves back by our own perception. Change your thinking and you can change your situation. I find this useful for any situation, not only career. These are some of the things I did to manifest my ideal job. I hope you find these tips as successful as I have..Happy hunting!

  • Make a list and be specific, I mean VERY SPECIFIC..not just the job title but salary, work environment, benefits, the type of co-workers you wish to be around, the open-door policy, fairness, oppportunity for growth, competent managemnt, the whole 9! The universe works best when you are specific in what you want. Don’t be modest..list everything(realistically) that you wish to have and don’t hold back.
  • Never Stop Applying: Even when it seems you are not getting anywhere or the last few interviews yeilded no results. Your biggest break may be right around the corner. Even apply for positions that only list half or your skills..NEVER EVER GIVE UP UNTIL YOU GET NOTHING SHORT OF WHAT YOU WANT!
  • See Yourself Getting The Job: Believe that it is already done,visualize it and act as if it has already come to pass. Think about how much you are able to save with your new salary increase or that vacation you’ve been dreaming of going on, that new car, etc..whatever you have wanted to do, stop seeing it as beyond your reach.
  • Never Compare Yourself With Anyone Else: This is a mistake made too often. Everyone has a different path..don’t compare your life with anyone else’s or put yourself down by comparing your shortcomings with someone else’s success. You never know how hard someone had to work to get to where they are or what sacrifices they had to make. Remember you are only seeing their outcome, not the process it took to get them there.
  • Believe You are Worthy: If you don’t see yourself as worthy how can you expect anyone else to. If you feel that a position or career is unobtainable then ask yourself why you feel that way. If you can imagine more then that’s confirmation that your inner self is craving more than your current situation.

If you are working to change careers or if you need help manifesting what you want in your life, reach out directly to Psychic Rhonda today. She will be happy to help you start manifesting the future you want and deserve!


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